Meow = bite me


:lol: I've just realised that can be read 2 ways... the Isle of Lesbos in the meditteranian, home of Sapho. That was an Island of women. :)
Nix: Nope Britain is England, Scotland and Wales. UK is Britain + NORTHERN Ireland. The ROI is not part of it.

PT: York is a city in Yorkshire (where my GF lives and is pronounce Yorksheer). Granted it may seem like a different country to others :p but its still part of England

AlladinSane: You would be correct in remembering the full name
Sorry I never read it in english only in portuguese. I thought it was said in the same way the yanks say 'North Carolina'
a13antichrist said:
That sucks, there's no Isle of Woman anywhere. Unless you count Ibiza, I guess..
Daily random stat:

The average female gets laid within 2.5 hours of arriving on Ibiza