merry xmas

people pick on christians because they lack faith and understanding.
allow me to get a little biblical for a second. all sins are equal in the eyes of the lord so the pill popping divorcee is in just as good a sitting with god as the baptist minister who occasionally swears in traffic. it's all about your faith and you repentance. i am an almost twice divorcee with a taste for dope. i pray several times a day and try my best to do whatever i can for my fellow man. am i a sinner? you bet. am i worthy to play the virgin mary. hell no. would i do it if asked? you're darn tooting. you see, the problem with christianity is the christians. they expect so much more from their fellow man then they do themselves.
I expect nothing more than effort from anyone. Personally, I respect more a hardened addict than a casual drug user. The addict no longer has the choice to stop. He can't. The casual user could, but choses not to. IMHO, he's the greater sinner. All sin might be equal in God's eyes. but I never professed to be God.
People "pick on Christians" because they don't give a shit... :shrug: Unlike he members of other faiths.

"OooooH Look at all the fundamentalist Christians going to bomb Madame Tousauds now"... Like who? They gonna get a 70 year old blue rinsed Granny who hasn't missed a Sunday cept when she was busy giving birth all seven times to smuggle it in in her handbag... I'd like to see that... What they do get is the Pope (someone just retire the poor man! For Christ sake you'd shoot a damn dog!) "tut-tutting" and the coffee morning has a new topic to try and nibble choccie biscuits with ill fitting dentures over... :rolleyes:

Christianity is seemingly now a minority religion... if you're going to count minority as lack of participation and actually following to the letter... :shrug:
tonksy said:
people pick on christians because they lack faith and understanding.
allow me to get a little biblical for a second. all sins are equal in the eyes of the lord so the pill popping divorcee is in just as good a sitting with god as the baptist minister who occasionally swears in traffic. it's all about your faith and you repentance. i am an almost twice divorcee with a taste for dope. i pray several times a day and try my best to do whatever i can for my fellow man. am i a sinner? you bet. am i worthy to play the virgin mary. hell no. would i do it if asked? you're darn tooting. you see, the problem with christianity is the christians. they expect so much more from their fellow man then they do themselves.

The problem with Christianity is some Christians. Are all followers of Islam bomb-toting terrorists? Are all Jews greedy, and self-serving? I've met people of a great many faiths, and never had a problem with any of them. Truth be told, every religion has a fanatic fringe, just as every religion has a silent majority. Do you think most Christians sit around, condemning other religions, and sending money to Billy Graham? Remember your days in the Navy? How many 'Atta boys' can get wiped out with one 'Oh, shit'?
Gato_Solo said:
The problem with Christianity is some Christians. Are all followers of Islam bomb-toting terrorists? Are all Jews greedy, and self-serving? I've met people of a great many faiths, and never had a problem with any of them. Truth be told, every religion has a fanatic fringe, just as every religion has a silent majority. Do you think most Christians sit around, condemning other religions, and sending money to Billy Graham? Remember your days in the Navy? How many 'Atta boys' can get wiped out with one 'Oh, shit'?
of course you are right.
Crap I am an atheist and even I can see what is being done here Sheesh!

Talk about derision and descriomination against religion.

Hey CB it's (discrimination) you should really look into a green card and come here quick and get a job as a 'pubic' schoolteacher. The little girl that grew up two doors down from me (she was two when we moved in) recently graduated University and started immediately as a first grade teacher with an annual salary of thirty thousand USD a year!
Winky said:
Hey CB it's (discrimination) you should really look into a green card and come here quick and get a job as a 'pubic' schoolteacher. The little girl that grew up two doors down from me (she was two when we moved in) recently graduated University and started immediately as a first grade teacher with an annual salary of thirty thousand USD a year!

Typo! plus Dyslexia....

If you're gonna insult make sure its an on topic insult and will actually hurt... :rolleyes:

Where's Leslie with the no personal attacks please ? :shrug:
"If you're gonna insult make sure its an on topic insult and will actually hurt..."

It wasn't my intent to 'hurt' either on topic or not.

I apologize!
Winky said:
"If you're gonna insult make sure its an on topic insult and will actually hurt..."

It wasn't my intent to 'hurt' either on topic or not.

I apologize!

Apology accepted... :hug: just don't let it happen again! :D
On a side note:
This abbreviation for Christmas is of Greek origin. The word for Christ in Greek is Xristos. During the 16th century, Europeans began using the first initial of Christ's name, "X" in place of the word Christ in Christmas as a shorthand form of the word. Although the early Christians understood that X stood for Christ's name, later Christians who did not understand the Greek language mistook "Xmas" as a sign of disrespect.
Social satire - saying something about how society is, by making fun of certain parts of it...hopefully drawing attention to the weak points so they can be fixed.

In this's not only poking fun at the commericalisation of Christmas to the point where it's no longer a Holy Day, but a holiday ... but also poking fun at what people consider admirable or movie stars, sports icons, and politicians. works. People get upset about their holy icons being defamed and then start thinking a bit more about the real reason for the Holy Days. Also, people start realizing that they've been placing mere mortals far above their real stature.
Social satire - saying something about how society is, by making fun of certain parts of it...hopefully drawing attention to the weak points so they can be fixed.

In this's not only poking fun at the commericalisation of Christmas to the point where it's no longer a Holy Day, but a holiday ... but also poking fun at what people consider admirable or movie stars, sports icons, and politicians. works. People get upset about their holy icons being defamed and then start thinking a bit more about the real reason for the Holy Days. Also,
people start realizing that they've been placing mere mortals far above their real stature.

I completely agree, and thats my basic point- but I don't think its something that can ever be 'fixed' - I just think this kind of display makes a rather succint comment on the way our society and culture hasn't changed much by any means - as the adage goes "the more things change - the more they stay the same"..... we now revere personalities the same way as we once did 'gods' (or god) - and those gods were merely created by humankind in the first place. However even our so-called "Holy days" were pre-dated by pagan festivals.

A composition, generally poetical, holding up vice or folly to reprobation; a keen or severe exposure of what in public or private morals deserves rebuke; an invective poem; as, the Satires of Juvenal.

Here the "folly" is a comparison between religious icons and contemporary icons - and a direct questioning of the way distinctions are made between society's understanding of the "moral" and the "immoral"

I think that this is a really neat thing to see today, in a time of rampant conservitism and tochy political correctness. and its absurd that people are so offended by that comment where it is vital to be self-critical and able to laugh at ourselves - its been done since the ancient greeks were commenting on their own social faults - that bit hasn't changed either.

there is also the interesting consideration that they are made out of wax - and that also adds a further dimension to it, i feel.

Perhaps it comments also on the fact that we have an innate need to reconstruct individuals like ourselves as idols to look up to - as models to be fascinated by and in awe of.