
I'm with tonsky ... I'm generally not attracted to the metrosexual types. If a man takes more time than I do to get ready in the morning, something's wrong with the picture :D
Oz said:

When did prettyboys and fairies become metrosexual and scruffs and greebo's become retrosexual? :confused:

Loada shite......I got me own style, stick on a label on it if ya can :D

Ummm...Quasi? :rofl4:
Some of you guys could be hiding from it. Maybe ... if you guys follow in the steps of Ryan Seacrest for a day ... then you might find out that it's not that bad/enjoy it. :p
lacemyster said:
Some of you guys could be hiding from it. Maybe ... if you guys follow in the steps of Ryan Seacrest for a day ... then you might find out that it's not that bad/enjoy it. :p

Sorry, but one person per household who overspends on lotions/creams/colognes is more than enough. I wear cologne from time to time. I also own more than 2 suits. Most days, I'll do the 3 S's, dab on some deoderant, and I'm out the door.
Nixy said:
Metrosexuals are basically your stereotypical gay man but they like women.

Which means that they are many women's dreams come more "why are all the good ones gay?" :la:
They're only like a stereotypical gay man in the "attention to looks" department. They don't act like gay men otherwise.
I like a guy to take care of his appearance, and if he uses my facial wash it means I don't have to stare at his blackheads. :la:
Tonksy, I'm not attracted to metros either...that is why I said some women :D

Inky, they often have a flair for things traditionally considered more feminie like the theatre and such as well...which would typically be "gay" for a guy.
Gato_Solo said:
Most days, I'll do the 3 S's, dab on some deoderant, and I'm out the door.

Hey, that's better than my hubby, he only has one S in the mornings, since his shave & shower routine is at night (and he rarely has to shave anyway).
Metrosexual are effeminate.
It goes deeper than their primping like ladies
it speaks to their value system

Retro's Rule
Hell I'm so retro, a lot of people just "break and run" when they see me. :D :bolt:

I am thinking of shaving my beard tonight though. :confused:
Metrosexuals are Fad Hags... that's it.

They are posers, sad simple little people who want to fit in with whatever crowd they think is cool, or will help then stand out because they haven't the slightest bit of originality themselves.

I weep for them.

[b] said:
Metrosexuals are Fad Hags... that's it.

They are posers, sad simple little people who want to fit in with whatever crowd they think is cool, or will help then stand out because they haven't the slightest bit of originality themselves.

I weep for them.

What aboutguys who just buy nice slick looking clothes if they see it, and the price is right?

I don't go for the plain-jane white shirts w/ tie and black pants for work. I prefer the colours...well shaved, short hair, clean nails and teeth and maybe a bit of cologne.

I am metro, retro or other?
MrBishop said:
What aboutguys who just buy nice slick looking clothes if they see it, and the price is right?

I'd say they were sensible shoppers...

MrBishop said:
I don't go for the plain-jane white shirts w/ tie and black pants for work. I prefer the colours...well shaved, short hair, clean nails and teeth and maybe a bit of cologne.

I am metro, retro or other?

My standard clothing is a pair of worn out jeans, a comfortable t-shirt, and a biker wallet with a 4 foot chain... pretty much outside of the Prada, Banana Republic, A&F, Gap, Old Navy, etc. clothing "my people" are supposed to like. Does that make me ruralsexual? I don't know and don't care. I'm me. Comfortable clothing and all.

[b] said:
I'd say they were sensible shoppers...

My standard clothing is a pair of worn out jeans, a comfortable t-shirt, and a biker wallet with a 4 foot chain... pretty much outside of the Prada, Banana Republic, A&F, Gap, Old Navy, etc. clothing "my people" are supposed to like. Does that make me ruralsexual? I don't know and don't care. I'm me. Comfortable clothing and all.

OMG IT'S !! I MISSED YOU!!! :swing:
[b] said:
I'd say they were sensible shoppers...

My standard clothing is a pair of worn out jeans, a comfortable t-shirt, and a biker wallet with a 4 foot chain... pretty much outside of the Prada, Banana Republic, A&F, Gap, Old Navy, etc. clothing "my people" are supposed to like. Does that make me ruralsexual? I don't know and don't care. I'm me. Comfortable clothing and all.

And what is that supposed to mean? I thought we had this conversation before, and decided that people are people. You can't tell if someone is gay by looking at them, regardless of how they are dressed *. Anyone who says they can is either a liar, or a fool. ;)

*drag queens are not in this catagory, as drag queens can be either gay or straight...
Gato_Solo said:
And what is that supposed to mean?


Gato_Solo said:
*drag queens are not in this catagory, as drag queens can be either gay or straight...

No they can't. I quote "To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar." as proof:

"When a straight man puts on a dress and gets his sexual kicks he is a transvestite. When a man is a woman trapped in a man's body and has a little operation he is a Transsexual. When a gay man has way too much fashion sense for one gender he is a drag queen. And when a tired little Latin boy puts on a dress, he is simply a boy in a dress!"
