Michael Vick press conference

That's what Rob was telling me...so know I want to know why a multi-millionaire has a nappy ass empty above ground pool.

According to the indictment, dogs that didn't show enough fighting spirit, or that lost matches, were put to death by a variety of methods, including shooting, drowning, hanging and electrocution. Prosecutors allege that on one occasion earlier this year, Vick participated in killing eight dogs."

He's done. Hold on to those Vick Falcons jerseys, they'll be collector's items in a few years...somewhere.

OK, granted what Vick might have done is reprehensible but, should he not have his day in court like any other accused person?

I am of the opinion that he is most likely guilty, but I also know that if he isn't all it takes is an overzealous prosecutor wanting to make a name for himself by taking down Vick and a few lies from co-defendants who would say anything to keep their own asses out of the sling.

Can we just wait to punish him till he's convicted? Or does our system of justice just go out the window when someone is accused of a crime that offends our sensibilities?
Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick accepted a plea deal Monday to avoid additional federal charges in a dogfighting case and now faces a likely lengthy prison sentence.

"After consulting with his family over the weekend, Michael Vick has asked that I announce today that he has reached an agreement with federal prosecutors regarding charges pending against him," Billy Martin, one of Vick's attorneys, said in a statement.

"Mr. Vick has agreed to enter a plea of guilty to those charges and to accept full responsibility for his actions and the mistakes he has made. Michael wishes to apologize again to everyone who has been hurt by this matter.

ESPN link

Smart move on his part. Smarter than setting up a dogfighting ring at least.

Can you say "Oakland Raiders 2011"? I knew you could...
It's a black thing. You wouldn't understand.

At least now that a guilty verdict has been accepted that contradicts all of the innocence pleading to direct examinations by the team and comissioner, he can now be suspended and his contract can be voided. God knows his contract is the biggest anchor in all of football. At least it will free up some salary cap so the team can buy some other QB's and a tighter O Line and make something of themselves.
Goodel had said that if he discovered Michael Vick was lying to him about his involvement in the dog fights he would view it as a violation of league policy. I am betting he will not play again until we have a new commish.
Suits me. His jail term won't be harsh enough for my taste, so hit him in the wallet at least.

Wonder if Virginia Tech will rename that building they named after him...I'd be willing to say it won't be the Animal Sciences building at the very least.
The people involved with this case folded in a damned hurry. The feds must have had some awedome evidence.
The rules of evidence and procedure in fed cases are a bit more streamlined and immune to the 'OJ Simpson' effect of a dog and pony state trial.

Also, the threat of having a RICO charge on top of it all would have brought the tally to darn near 30 years in the pokey.
Yeah, without that "superceding indictment" as an ace in the hole, and the RICO possibility, I think he'd have taken his chances with the 12. Lord knows he's cocky enough to believe he'd come out on top.