Micheal Jackson makes 3

I'm still unsure if this is a good thing or a bad one.

I feel for the mans family but c'mon, it is MICHAEL JACKSON.
Micheal Jackson makes 3

Unless you count David Carradine.

3 in two days... Carradine was last week, no?

In either case...say what you will about the man's personal life..allude to your heart's content, but it's hard to deny the impact that he had as an entertainer.

Rest in Peace.
Never strongly disliked MJ, just never got into that kind of pop music. It was briefly cool when he had a Van Halen guitar solo, and got Vincent Price's voice, but it was just bubblegum pop pablum for the mindless teenyboppers, as far as I was concerned. There was so much better music made in the 1980's that never made it to radio. Commercial radio was such a whore then. I remember calling WDMG (Worst Damn Music in Georgia) and requesting an REM song in the early 80's. The DJ was hip to them and had their records, but refused to play even one song- 2 years later and they had REM on "heavy rotation". College stations were the only place on the dial back then. Even then, you had station managers who tried to dictate what got played and what didn't. Most of us volunteer DJ's just ignored them and played whatever we wanted. I had the Midnight to 6AM Sunday slot at WVGS "the voice of Georgia Southern (Statesboro) in '85- I would play anything that got requested, if we had it. No requests? Okay, brace yourself for a lot of obscure Blue Oyster Cult songs, Motorhead, Hawkwind, Crack the Sky, King Crimson. Actually got a lot of requests in that time slot- people winding down from the Saturday Night Parties wanted stuff to either keep 'em awake or mellow them out. I remember one chick called up at 4 or 5 in the morning and wanted to hear Frank Sinatra, I can't stand that junk, but played it for her, then played "Yo Cats" by Frank Zappa next. She loved it, came by the station at 6 and took me to breakfast at The Waffle House. We got to be really good, um, friends...
Good cartoon Bish. :D A few of us oldsters were comparing this to when Elvis died (I know, I know, he's not really dead). I remember thinking what a feeding frenzy that was but it was nothing compared to what this will be. Not that Elvis was less popular, but there weren't any 24 hour "news" stations trying to fill time with self-generated stories.
Good cartoon Bish. :D A few of us oldsters were comparing this to when Elvis died (I know, I know, he's not really dead).

Michael Jackson isn't dead either, he pretended his own death to rid himself of all his debts and media criticism so he could live a peaceful life somewhere nice. [/conspiracy][/joking][/sarcasm]
Good cartoon Bish. :D A few of us oldsters were comparing this to when Elvis died (I know, I know, he's not really dead). I remember thinking what a feeding frenzy that was but it was nothing compared to what this will be. Not that Elvis was less popular, but there weren't any 24 hour "news" stations trying to fill time with self-generated stories.

i saw some video clip of mikey's announcement of his final concerts. the sunglasses and the strangely glossy face reminded me of elvis near his end.
And Billy Mays makes 4. Can we drop the superstitious horseshit now?

David "Kung Fu" Carradine
Ed McMahon
Farrah Fawcett
Michael Jackson
Billy Mays

Nope. If we can get one more the superstition stays. :p