Microsoft Antispyware

Heck, I'd give her a whirl, ...if only I could get past that Windows Validashun thingy. :swing:

...anyone want to link me copy of it?
Yeah, that right. Just say NO! ....its ot that it wouldn;t pass the test, um I uh, ...I just don't want to take the test, who knows might be full of spyware or something.
Error 1719.The Winders Installer Service could not be accessed. this can occur .....

damnit, I just installed the new installer last week v3.0 for win2k3.

well, I tried
Installed. So far it is running ok. No sudden lock ups or such. Giantantispyware? They must have bought another company....

Well, it's doing a deepscan now. 1 thing detected...probably some porn.

Eats some serious resources. Two services and the program itself equal about 40MB....yikes.
فايل صوتی

انجمن دفاع ازحقوق زندانيان حضور وکيل در تمام مراحل بازجوئی را خواستار شدابطحي: روزنامه نگاران بازداشت شده گفتند زير شکنجه آنها را به اعتراف واداشته اند
تهديدات سعيد مرتضوی گفتگو با الهه هيکس پيرامون شرايط تغيير قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی انتقاد مطبوعات اردن از عدم شرکت ايران درکنفرانس وزرای خارجه همسايه عراق
تجديد نظر در موضع موسسه جغرافيای ملی آمريکا درارتباط با تغيير نام خليج فارس

آرشيو اخبار صوتي​
ResearchMonkey said:
فايل صوتی

انجمن دفاع ازحقوق زندانيان حضور وکيل در تمام مراحل بازجوئی را خواستار شدابطحي: روزنامه نگاران بازداشت شده گفتند زير شکنجه آنها را به اعتراف واداشته اند
تهديدات سعيد مرتضوی گفتگو با الهه هيکس پيرامون شرايط تغيير قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی انتقاد مطبوعات اردن از عدم شرکت ايران درکنفرانس وزرای خارجه همسايه عراق
تجديد نظر در موضع موسسه جغرافيای ملی آمريکا درارتباط با تغيير نام خليج فارس

آرشيو اخبار صوتي​

wtf? :confuse3:
I looked at it earlier. Its BETA right now so even if i wanted to finally register my college version of XP i wouldnt putit in and fubar my freash rebuild. :)

\RM i guess ill have to ask what language that is so i can babelize it :retard:
Well. It's not to bad. It gives the option to ignore, remove, quarantine, or always ignore. It found some rather malicious adware and spyware though...


After you run it it'll ask you if you want to reset IE to it's defaults in case it's been hijacked.
samcurry said:
\RM i guess ill have to ask what language that is so i can babelize it :retard:

if'n i knew I would tell you. Its from a terrorist website.

Cool websearch, sorry 'bout your Fu'd up luck
man that looks very similar to spysweeper posty. Wonder if they did like they always do, buy the rights to a stripped version of the software and call it their own.