Microsoft Finally wakes up and faces the World

I'm not surprised that the chat rooms will be closed, just surprised that it took them so long to finally realise what was going on in them.

What I do wonder about is whether or not it is truly for the reasons they state (being a playground for peadophiles etc) or if the fact that they weren't making money off it (in the regions they want to close the chat rooms the chats were / are free) has more to do with it.
Certainly not out of the question, AT...I'm sure they would want to put a good spin on it, whatever the real reason, to minimize the number of totally disgruntled people...But, as Gonz justifies invading Iraq, its for the ultimate good so who cares what the reason was....:D
Squiggy said:
Certainly not out of the question, AT...I'm sure they would want to put a good spin on it, whatever the real reason, to minimize the number of totally disgruntled people...But, as Gonz justifies invading Iraq, its for the ultimate good so who cares what the reason was....:D

Ye know - it's rather funny that you should mention the war with me thinking of something else - I had to download some software a while back & on most of the so-called 'free' sites I tried I was redirected to a customer service page. And on all those pages it specifically said that, if you are from the Middle East, Africa or certain countries in Latin America, you will not be permitted to download software or receive the required software from any customer service desk affiliated with that site.

Ironic that the countries / continents / regions mentioned in the MS chat rooms article also happen to be the ones who cannot download MS software etc.

(just a note - I'm not sure if it was just the fact that I wanted some stuff that's mostly outdated or what. It is possible that the restrictions aren't on all the sites / downloads etc)

Doesn't really bother me much with the chat rooms - I never visit them anyway, but when it comes to having to get software I need for work etc & being given a shpiel about it does peeve me a bit, after all they could just restrict countries associated with whatever 'terrorist' networks, why restrict use for the entire continent?
:eek5: You have pedophiles in Africa? I didn't even know you had children....

Joking aside, that is rather curious...:confuse3:
Squiggy said:
:eek5: You have pedophiles in Africa? I didn't even know you had children....

Joking aside, that is rather curious...:confuse3:

Peadophiles in Africa??? Hell no! We're too civilised for such things :winkkiss:
The money card is certainly being played here. I'm starting to wonder if it's more important than the actualy paedophilia going on there. It's not like MSN didn't know that these activities were going on. I doubt that they've been THAT blind, but they were willing to let it go on for a that the money isn't there anymore...and the pote3ntial for money is gone as feel more like cutting the fat rather than cutting the crime.

Aunty Em said:
Sadly Altron seems to be the norm as far as young teens go...

... it's our fault, we've over indulged them as a society and allowed concepts like discipline and suffering the consequences of one's own actions (e.g. removing the fail mark from sats and replacing it with "almost achieved" - if they never fail why bother to work harder to acheive a better mark? ) to become outmoded. Now the majority appear to expect everything on a plate and don't know the meaning of hardwork... So of course they will perpetuate this with their children... What a sad indictment on our society... and even sadder for those lost children... :(

We can chalk this up as yet ANOTHER reason crime is so high.
AlphaTroll said:
Ye know - it's rather funny that you should mention the war with me thinking of something else - I had to download some software a while back & on most of the so-called 'free' sites I tried I was redirected to a customer service page. And on all those pages it specifically said that, if you are from the Middle East, Africa or certain countries in Latin America, you will not be permitted to download software or receive the required software from any customer service desk affiliated with that site.

Ironic that the countries / continents / regions mentioned in the MS chat rooms article also happen to be the ones who cannot download MS software etc.

(just a note - I'm not sure if it was just the fact that I wanted some stuff that's mostly outdated or what. It is possible that the restrictions aren't on all the sites / downloads etc)

Doesn't really bother me much with the chat rooms - I never visit them anyway, but when it comes to having to get software I need for work etc & being given a shpiel about it does peeve me a bit, after all they could just restrict countries associated with whatever 'terrorist' networks, why restrict use for the entire continent?

Speaking as someone who just returned from that area, I have the following...

The governments of said countries are the ones who restrict the downloads. Not microsoft et al. All internet traffic entering and leaving Saudi Arabia on civilian telecom was monitored, and 'questionable' material, meaning anything the local mullah finds offensive, is forbidden. If you get caught, punishment is swift and, often, brutal. Forget what you know about 'Cruel and Unusual', as that concept does not exist there in the Middle East...
AnomalousEntity said:
We can chalk this up as yet ANOTHER reason crime is so high.
Hey AE, I've just noticed your post count is 333... does that make you half a devil? :lol:
Aunty Em said:
Hey AE, I've just noticed your post count is 333... does that make you half a devil? :lol:

LOL. 1/2 a Devil would be.... Bill Gates?

In biblical references, the numbers 3 and 7 are good, while 6 and 9 are bad...

Dont know why.
AnomalousEntity said:
In biblical references, the numbers 3 and 7 are good, while 6 and 9 are bad...
Dont know why.
Me either, I have always liked the numbers 6 and 9, particularly together. :confused:
AnomalousEntity said:
LOL. 1/2 a Devil would be.... Bill Gates?

In biblical references, the numbers 3 and 7 are good, while 6 and 9 are bad...

Dont know why.
Nah, Bill Gates is ALL devil! No half measures there! Since 6 is my number in numerology I must be bad then... :evilgrin:
Intrestiingly enough some scholars have pointed to "themes" like that in the Bible as evidence that the Bible is purely a work of literature with no real truth to it.

At least according to my Catholic trained professeur in college.


The story of "Adam and Eve" A story about understanding Good and Evil. "Cain and Abel" a story about sibling rivalry. Jonah and the whale....a story about a man consumed by evil. Noahs ark, a story about one mans struggle for good over amazing adversity.

The teachings of Jesus are just viewed as an account of one mans stories similiar to the orginals...

Then you have the poems....psalms. And the philosophy...proverbs.

And then the chapters that are written about particular stores (rather than having them all in genesis).

And then there are the "rule books" which are part of the orginal 5 books that recount all the things you should and shouldnt do..

You get the point.
Gato_Solo said:
Speaking as someone who just returned from that area, I have the following...

The governments of said countries are the ones who restrict the downloads. Not microsoft et al. All internet traffic entering and leaving Saudi Arabia on civilian telecom was monitored, and 'questionable' material, meaning anything the local mullah finds offensive, is forbidden. If you get caught, punishment is swift and, often, brutal. Forget what you know about 'Cruel and Unusual', as that concept does not exist there in the Middle East...

Thanks Gato, that does make sense in a way.
AnomalousEntity said:
Intrestiingly enough some scholars have pointed to "themes" like that in the Bible as evidence that the Bible is purely a work of literature with no real truth to it.

At least according to my Catholic trained professeur in college.


The story of "Adam and Eve" A story about understanding Good and Evil. "Cain and Abel" a story about sibling rivalry. Jonah and the whale....a story about a man consumed by evil. Noahs ark, a story about one mans struggle for good over amazing adversity.

The teachings of Jesus are just viewed as an account of one mans stories similiar to the orginals...

Then you have the poems....psalms. And the philosophy...proverbs.

And then the chapters that are written about particular stores (rather than having them all in genesis).

And then there are the "rule books" which are part of the orginal 5 books that recount all the things you should and shouldnt do..

You get the point.
As an adult, I've never considered the bible anything other than a story book full of moral tales... you have to remember that in the past the majority of the people were probably illiterate and stories served as a way of explaining difficult concepts or instilling moral codes in a form that they could understand and relate to. this is true of most of the great religious books. There are certain historical facts which can be verified, but I would expect them to include current events or recent history if they served to enhance the story... e.g. there was actually a flood but itwasn't as extensive as told in the bible.

I don't believe that creation happened literally as the bible says, although it would seem that a lot of misguided people do. The same as I don't believe that Jesus Christ was literally the "son of god", therefore I don't claim to be a christian, since this is the fundamental belief of christianity... that's not to say I don't believe in a higher power than man... I just don't need a convenient human face or emotions to go with it... so sue me. :)