Spike, in all honesty its people like you who promote racism for gain. It's people like who are batting the race card for political gain. It's people like you who label and work to keep good Americans down. You like them as hyphenated-Americans, to make them feel disenfranchised and less than American.
You're a slap in the face for every person who made sacrifice to reduce racism in this nation.
You can't possibly hear what those men and women are saying, it doesn't help your politcal needs.
You need to promote racism in hope of gaining bodies to back your political values, you rely on racism as a foundation of your political argument.
As much as you would like to paint me, a TeaPartier, a racist. I am not a racist.
You you make me sick, really you do.
Hey Spike, this guy is talking all about you, the Useful Idiot.
I really think you need to watch this a few more times Spike. I'd hate to someday find your carcass slumped over in a shallow hole in some indiscriminate field.
There's that blindness Yuri addressed in his video.Hey RM, 54 posts in this thread so far and you still haven't made a point. Are you working up to it yet?