New Member
You dismissed everything they said when you posted this:
You were speaking of the video and saying it was pointless.
I asked what point RM was trying to make.
You dismissed their blackness in favor of slamming a white guy you dislike. I suppose you would say that they would claim that "Many of my best friends are black."
I did not dismiss their blackness. I noticed their blackness and noticed the similarity to something I've seen Beck do.
These people are trying to get rid of the business of racism.
Good. Me too. There's still a lot of racism to get rid of. Let's get on it!
They decry its use as a weapon.
Hey me too. Too many racists out there using it as a weapon.
They want to see a color blind society in which so-called "leaders" do not race bait to keep their business alive.
Hey me too! Fuck those racist people.
They love their country and they see it being torn apart right before their eyes.
Yes, corporations are tearing this country apart. Let's stop them.
You have obviously not watched the entire video.
I certainly did.
Now let's see the Tea Party speak out against some of their race baiters.

". Dale Robertson, self-proclaimed founder of the Tea Party movement, was quoted in today’s Washington Times denying he had ever “seen any racial slurs” at Tea Party events. He was responding to the furor over nasty, sometimes violent reactions to the passage of health care reform.
There’s just one problem with Robertson’s claim: He was famously photographed at a Feb. 27, 2009 Tea Party event holding a sign that featured the n-word. "

Stormfronter tea Partiers of course
These guys for sure
White Pride Group Urges Tea Party to Flaunt Its Bigotry
And of course Winky.