OK, PT, since you like laying out what if scenarios more thqan dealing with the case at hand, let me try one out on you.
You get pissed with your wife and decide to leave her. You're irritated enough that you decide to give her a little scare into the bargain. So, you split, without your car, a change of clothes, or any discernable cash, so that it looks like a robbery/kidnap.
Question 1 - Should your wife treat it as a criminal act and call the cops, or should she just assume that it was your right to split, and let it go? Do you think she'll call the cops?
Let's say she call the police. It becomes a news story. You see the news story on CNN that night when you stop.
Question 2 - Should you call up and let folks know what's going on so that they can call it off?
Let's say you don't. You keep running around for 3 more days, while you front page news, and finally decide it's time to end the manhunt.
Question 3 - Do you tell the truth when you finally call in, or do you lie and start by saying you were kidnapped?
Question 4 - If you agree that your wife did the right thing in Question 1, then shouldn't you shoulder the responsibility, since it was easily predictable what would happen?
Question 5 - Why can't you apply that here?