Missing Georgia...

Nope. It's for real.

ReganMedia, a New York-based multimedia company, confirmed Wednesday that it had "acquired all media rights to the life stories" of the 32-year-old Duluth woman and her fiancé, John Mason. The company's news release did not disclose whether any money changed hands in the process. Today' show host Katie Couric snagged the first interview with Jennifer Wilbanks and her fiancé, John Mason. Wilbanks has retained the services of a celebrity publisher.

But ReganMedia, led by President Judith Regan, did confirm that it was pitching a movie concept to networks.


Duluth Mayor Shirley Fanning Lasseter, whose city shelled out nearly $43,000 to search for her, was tight-lipped, but her sentiment seemed clear.

"You want something printable?" she asked a reporter. "I think it's a shame that anybody could profit from this."

Wilbanks repaid Duluth $13,249 of what it cost to search for her. And she's pledged to pay the Gwinnett Sheriff's Department $2,550 for overtime.

Yeah, she's a real fucking sweetheart, alright.

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I'm starting to wish this moron would disappear again. I liked her better when I was blissfully unaware of her existence. Maybe Guam would take her.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I'm starting to wish this moron would disappear again. I liked her better when I was blissfully unaware of her existence. Maybe Guam would take her.

Great idea...make the Navy and Air Force find her. :rolleyes: