Missing Georgia...

For some reason, I had a feeling the fiance didn't do it when I saw the picture of the missing girl's father going into the fiance's house with six Papa John's pizzas.
I see no charges. :eek6:
They ought to at least fine her for some reimbursement.

This does show another good example of how well coordinated our visa/immigration
system is though.
The should have caught it on computer when she crossed the border.

I though surly with the tech there is today, and from since 9-11 that
we'd have something in place by now to catch stuff.
Things may have changed since 9/11 but outbound to Mexico was non-stop. Only the inbound travelers got harassed by the man for wanting to enter the US. They wouldn't have found her anyway. We check passengers on commercial vehicles but if she was in a car...
what kind of person needs to run away from her wedding? couldn't she just have been adult enough to sit her fiance down and tell him she not ready?
tonksy said:
what kind of person needs to run away from her wedding? couldn't she just have been adult enough to sit her fiance down and tell him she not ready?

Evidently not. :grinno: What we have here is...failure to communicate. :D
As the public gets involved & offers their opinions about how this girl needs to be strung up by her thumbs we need to remember, this happens all the time. The difference here is FOXMSNBCCNBCABC etc made it news.
Gonz said:
As the public gets involved & offers their opinions about how this girl needs to be strung up by her thumbs we need to remember, this happens all the time. The difference here is FOXMSNBCCNBCABC etc made it news.

Certainly a point.
it's true enough, but again, it's painfully obvious that everyone was out looking for her....she should have thought of the people she was going to hurt.
Liliandra said:
it's true enough, but again, it's painfully obvious that everyone was out looking for her....she should have thought of the people she was going to hurt.

It's so common there's a cliche, "cold feet." Now if she knew it was believed she'd been kidhapped, I could see civil charges, but when someone panics like that, the last thing they're thinking about is the people it's going to hurt. If they did, they wouldn't do it.
chcr said:
It's so common there's a cliche, "cold feet." Now if she knew it was believed she'd been kidhapped, I could see civil charges, but when someone panics like that, the last thing they're thinking about is the people it's going to hurt. If they did, they wouldn't do it.

You think she didn't know? It was the lead fucking story on every national newscast for 3 days.

Charge her ass for the nuisance factor, if nothing else.
chcr said:
It's so common there's a cliche, "cold feet." Now if she knew it was believed she'd been kidhapped, I could see civil charges, but when someone panics like that, the last thing they're thinking about is the people it's going to hurt. If they did, they wouldn't do it.

You're right, she may not have thought about it at first, she probably did panic. But again, unless she's sitting up in the mountains somewhere she knew what was going on, she knew that everyone was looking for her...A time or two she probably caught a look at her parents on T.V. why on earth didn't she just come back?
She didn't need to be hidden in mountains. SHe was on a bus & in Nevada. She probably didn't even know it was daytime.
My understanding was she hopped a Greyhound bus and headed west. I don't think they provide complimentary copies of USA Today on those.
They do stop though...and they pick up more people.....Gas stations everywhere were featuring her picture on the bloody front pages, even in passing she could've seen it
Buses do stop, yes, but I'd venture to guess she may have stayed on the bus during those stops. The newspaper racks are usually inside the station or by the parking lot; it's just as possible that she didn't see it as that she did.
Well, I just read where she reported herself kidnapped. Missed that in the original story, I guess. That changes everything. One thing to run away, hardly laudable but understandable, but reporting a non-existent crime is a crime itself. And news, perhaps not national news though.