mmm...lead sammiches.

No. But the fresh and locally grown bit.

Around here there's a mix of both. The prices (especially for the organic) are prohibitive at times, but they're there.
Leslie said:
I have that (farmer's markets and buy it right off the field both) down the road...they don't wherever it is you are?

Not really, I'm in the city. I buy my fruit and veg out of the local shop rather than the supermarket, but a lot of the veg which can't really be grown here (especially not in winter) seems to be imported from Holland, and the Dutch fruit and veg is bland, uniform rubbish.

I go for tinned Italian tomatoes for cooking and that.

Besides that, a lot of people just go for the cheap option at Tescos. I don't blame them, people have families to feed, but that's why farming has changed. I blame the supermarkets for turning nutrition into a financial matter rather than a health concern, and for making cheap and quick more important than good and tasty.
Gonz said:
This year, one time, I applied herbicides. Never before & after seeing the results, never again. I also didn't grow anything this year.

So you're a ground-water polluter now, eh? :grumpy: I hope you're happy. :mad: :D

Gonz said:
I always grow tomatoes (seveal varieties), onions, tomatillos, peppers (several varieties), zucchini & cucumbers. I've grown brussel sprouts, cabbage, lettuce (several varieties), okra, summer squash, eggplant & I have a permanent asparagus spot. Corn is so prevalent here there's no point in growing it & the season isn't long enough for summer fruits (watermelon, etc).

If my mom can grow watermelon in PA, you can grow it in IN...
Summer weather from June 6th until September 27th. The last frost here is typically May 15th & the first frost comes before Halloween.
Gonz said:
This year, one time, I applied herbicides. Never before & after seeing the results, never again. I also didn't grow anything this year.
And you gave me shit for telling you not to do it too, do you recall that? Although it's probably not for the right reasons (because your crops didn't react nicely I'm guessing?), I'm glad you'll not be contaminating your environment with that crap again.

Bobby Hogg said:
It's always great to sample the food in countries like Italy where produce is still locally grown and sold in local markets, where the fruit and veg actually has flavour.
I wish I knew! Someday we'll get to travel the world like we always said we would. But locally, I would only trust that here from the farmers out east on my island. How are you going to know if you're paying extra for actual organic ingredients anyway? You don't, and there's probably products out there that have the organic price tag that arent.

But oh, there's a pie stand that takes us hours to get to but it's worth it. All natural everything and the selection is amazing. And for being in the middle of nowhere, it's always always always packed. There's nothing like the real thing.
Nothing beats fresh cucmber kimchi on a chilly evening after a visiting a few soju tents...Ahhh...downtown Song T'An city...

As an aside...Look for a few farms that let you pick your own that are nearby. Most are organic, and will gladly advertise that fact to you. They also charge you less than you think because you did your own labor. ;)
greenfreak said:
And you gave me shit for telling you not to do it too, do you recall that? Although it's probably not for the right reasons (because your crops didn't react nicely I'm guessing?), I'm glad you'll not be contaminating your environment with that crap again.

Nope. I won't do it again because it didn't kill everything :(
Gato, we have a bunch of "UPICK" places near where I work, further east. It's always fun in the summer to go strawberry picking, especially with the kids. But they tend to put one in the basket, eat one, put one in the basket, eat one... The farms understand this and charge accordingly. :D

Gonz, if you give me specific insects, I could probably help (if you'll listen to me) But like a garden, it's going to require consistent attention and diligence. Multiple applications. Possibly going out before dawn with a flashlight to find the bastards.
greenfreak said:
Gato, we have a bunch of "UPICK" places near where I work, further east. It's always fun in the summer to go strawberry picking, especially with the kids. But they tend to put one in the basket, eat one, put one in the basket, eat one... The farms understand this and charge accordingly. :D

Gonz, if you give me specific insects, I could probably help (if you'll listen to me) But like a garden, it's going to require consistent attention and diligence. Multiple applications. Possibly going out before dawn with a flashlight to find the bastards.'re not going to tell him about ladybugs and praying mantis', are you? ;)
Leslie said:
Those ladybugs releases suck.

greenfreak said:
Gonz, if you give me specific insects, I could probably help (if you'll listen to me) But like a garden, it's going to require consistent attention and diligence. Multiple applications. Possibly going out before dawn with a flashlight to find the bastards.

pssst herbicide, not insecticide
If it were insects I could too. It's 900 bagillion-gazillion varieties of weeds.