mmmmmmmmmmmm... extra large double double!

:confuse3: maybe... I always thought it was the smoking, but it seems that wasn't it. Coffee is now the one and only vice I partake of regularly. :D
Sorry, , but tea is for ladies sitting on the front porch. D Chai is nothing more than clove tea, so only the age of the ladies has changed. Fresh Ground Gourmet Coffee (Swiss Mocha Mint) is much better. I buy the beans, drop them in the grinder with cocao beans in a 75-25 coffee to chocolate ratio. The mint is added during the brewing process as whole leaf. Figure around 2 leaves per cup, depending on leaf size.
Gato, I drink tea as well. I rather like it... and for the most part I have to because I'm mildly allergic to coffee. I can't do coffee 2 days in a row and come out unscathed. I use tea on the odd days... because... dammit... we all know we need the caffeine. I can rely upon sodas for off day caffeine, because, remember, I am ever the more allergic to the corn syrup they use. Chai is drinkable in my eyes. You can make it with a caffeine wallop that would be equal to espresso. The only thing I dont like about chai is that its so overpowering that it frags your tastebuds for nigh on 20 minutes.
Sorry unc. I drink tea on occasion as well, but the smilie was supposed to make that statement 'tongue-in-cheek'.
Rusty used to make cold Chai at home... We had the tea leaves and would make the hot tea, then add honey, milk, cinnamon and ice. It wasn't bad, he likes it. But it's not my cup of tea. ;)

I have always been a coffee person, I used to drink coffee all day and chain smoke when I worked weekends instead of eating. I was thin but very unhealthy.

The deli near me has a great house blend that they make, that's what I prefer. I don't like Starbucks, except for the Lite Note or Breakfast Blend. All the rest of their stuff is too strong for me.

When I'm traveling for work, if I can find a Wawa, I'm happy with their Hazelnut coffee. I love Hazelnut flavor. *yummy*

I've recently become addicted to Dunkin Donuts' Mocha Coolata. Definately not a coffee-type drink, but delicious nontheless.
I hate coffee. *ducks*

I don't even like the smell of it. Which makes the missus happy to no end, since she loves it. I won't even drink out of a cup that's been used for coffee.
That makes sense... Coffee permeates ceramic. I guess only a stainless steel cup is safe from absorbing coffee residue?
First time I saw this thread title, I thought it was about In-N-Out Burger. Mmm... if I ever host the OTC BBQ out here I'm SO taking everyone to In-N-Out. It's what a hamburger's all about.
Double double & fries, In n Out

How God saved mankind.
Leslie said:
:D I do. An IV drip would be more efficient I think. I drink it slowly all day.

that is so me....don't even try to carry on a conversation with me in the mornings until i've had one or two....pots that is....:grinyes:
I can only handle 2 cups in the morning. I get a NASTY upset tummy from coffee but I need it anyways. Anyone know of any coffee that won't eat my insides out?
First question begs, what kind of coffee are you drinking? Timmys on the road? home drip style? milk? fake creamer powder shite? on an empty stomach?
unclehobart said:
Pot in the morning? You go, girl!

That calls for a double-double with fries as soon as the munchies kick in.

don't go put'n words (or doobies) in my mouth, thank you very much!! *lmao* :laugh: