Mobile phones wreaking havoc with sperm


New Member
Mobile phones are a serious hazard for sperm, according to a new US study which shows fertility plummets in men who use their mobiles a lot.

The study, released at a medical conference in New Orleans this week, demonstrated a clear connection between hours spent chatting on a mobile and sparse and lazy sperm.

Men who used mobile phones for more than four hours a day were found to have 25 percent lower sperm count than men who never used a mobile.

The sperm quality was also poorer in those who frequently used mobiles, with the sperm swimming ability — a crucial factor in conception — down by a third.

Professor Ashok Agarwal, who led the study that tested 360 men from the US and India, told The Daily Mail that electromagnetic radiation emitted by handsets may be damaging cells vital to fertility.

"These cells in the testes have been shown to be susceptible to electromagnetic waves in previous research in animals," said Professor Ashok Agarwal, director of the Reproductive Research Centre in Ohio.

"Somehow electromagnetic waves may be causing direct damage to these cells and that perhaps causes a decrease in sperm production," he said.

There are also fears that a mobile may increase temperature in the groin if carried in the hip-pocket.

"Sperm is very temperature sensitive as shown by many studies, and a short-term rise in temperature could be responsible," Professor Agarwal said.

However, Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, says he doesn't think the results are proof that mobiles are decreasing fertility rates in men.

He believes there could be other explanations for the findings.

"Maybe people who use a phone for four hours a day spend more time sitting in cars, which could mean there’s a heat issue. It could be they are more stressed, or more sedentary and sit about eating junk food getting fat. Those seem to be better explanations than a phone causing the damage at such a great distance" Pacey said.

I'm imagining "lazy sperm" sitting on the couch eating cheese puffs. :)
Is a lower sperm count really such a bad thing? Now if the argument was that it was cooking the sperm and making them damaged and yet still viable, I would be concerned. Low sperm count is just birth control... but making mutant babies is different.
Hey!!! I'm useful for plenty of stuff! I can.... Well, I can.... Of course I can....

never mind
I have a tool for opening jars but I can never find it - whereas I can find Rob 99.9% of the time.

Oh! And from now on you can call in the pizza, and make the vet appts, and Dr. appts, and sit on hold with ebay store support...all from your cell phone.
That's pretty much what I do spike. If you smack the lid on the edge of the bench a couple of times (along the side where the treads are) it breaks the seal. Or you can use a knife to pierce the lid.
Take a heavy knife, and hit the edge of the lid a glancing blow a few times with the spine of the knife ... in the direction it unscrews.
Isn't that exactly what I just said? My way, you don't even need to get a knife outta the draw. Just bang it against the edge of the bench.
The rare jar I can't open get a teeny stab in the lid with a knife to make a micro pinhole to release the vaccum. Lids pop right off then.