
Just because I'm the number one post monkey over at JJRs, it does not make me JJR, nor does it make me a JJR stooge. It just happened to be my first BBS. It became my primary hangout. Are you saying that my mere association with JJRs site is going to leave me with a pariah tag of some kind?
oohhh oohhh first OTC argument! Fight, fight!


I think everyone will be welcomed here. Hell, I think people will be glad to finaly have a place to call their HWC OT home!

This is a democracy, so if unclehobart wants to run for office, he may do so... but that isn't to say he won't be slaughtered at the polls. :D
Of course I love you too, but stop winking at me, people will get the wrong idea! :p :D
Well... If the primary target audience is the old HWC crowd I probaby will be left in the dust. I don't think more than 15% of the people over there has ever heard of me.
At what point are these elections supposed to be held? Are we looking for like 100 members first? ...or a matter of fleshing out the base structure format so that such mods would actually have something to watch over?
Heard good? Heard bad? Wilya prop up my campaign when the going gets rough? 8) Theres a bag o' crisps in it for ya. :D
I'm not so sure that I'm into the whole popularity contest thing. Why can't the existing admin structure hammer it out amongst themselves? They know who most of us are, what our personalities are suited to, our general online times, and base temperment. They can slowly let people in as needed. An open voting campaign could end up putting a VectraP in power. *shudder*
Yeah, a real power-abusing tyrant could be voted in as a moderator... I shutter to think... :D

As Super Mod I will fire moderators (subject to Admin approval of course) and call another election if they prove to be incompetent. :)

I see you have two stars already... I guess your main campaign strategy is to be the "senior member" out of everyone? ;)