
Now I see the crux of the matter. I had a falling out Q on another site. She claimed I was trying to start shit which was far from the case. No matter how many times I tried to explain my meaning, it cemented in her mind that I was trying to end two years of friendship, without cause, without reason, in the distance of one line printed in a restricted forum that has the eyes of less than 10 people. I made one joke at the tail end of a line of jokes. She took it the wrong way... hard. She now despises me. I can't say why she took it the wrong way nor would not accept my clarifications on the matter. I haven't returned to Xi in a week because of it. Its her primary world. If she has declared me to now be a mortal enemy... it cannot be unwound. I have decided to leave Xi to her in peace thinking that we could go on separately... but it seems as if S4 wants to be the one starting shit here.

Suddenly one stupid joke line means that suddenly I am a total untrustworthy spying manipulative ass after two years of reasonable trusting behavior? Jebus Christmas.. : / I left and never mentioned it... you did. If anyone is starting shit here it is you. If you don't know me by now, you never will. I suddenly no longer want to know you anymore either.
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I'm actually glad to see that people feel free to speak their minds here.

IMO, that's the only way to have a truly enlightening OT forum.
huh...What the heck was up w/ all that shit???

Please people, The whole purpose of this forum is for off-topic/debate,you cant just quit when It gets interesting..:D
fury is a power hungry crazy freak... and wouldn't make an admins left testicle... Only for the fact Neo doesn't know to set up a BB he is's stooge.

s4 is a long standing loyal member of all the BB's he mentioned... loyal beyond words.

And make me a mod... I was after all a moderator of HWC Off Topic
Somehow, I don't see paranoia of another site's member as being equal to loyalty.

From what I gathered, s4, you equate the notion of unclehobart as a mod with JJR512 being a mod. How that happened, I don't know, because JJR512 is not even registered here yet, and as long as I have known unclehobart, he has never shown any signs of being JJR512, nor has JJR512 ever shown any signs of being unclehobart. :D

You decided to make that snide remark, so I returned with some of my own. Then I got something about a "magic words to get me to leave", and a "Fuck off!" Since when did words on the web matter anyway? I was only pointing out that post counts should be a moot point in the same (or mostly similar) way that you were pointing out that you thought unclehobart would practically be JJR512.

I don't think I ever implied that unclehobart has done more than you have, only that, like I said, post counts shouldn't matter.

By the way, you're not getting banned for saying something. That's not the way it goes. If you really want to get banned, repeatedly post some porn or warez. :headbang:

s4, you took a jab at someone when none of us were able to see why. For that reason, a few people jumped to unclehobart's defence, as could be expected.

It's pointless packing your bags and leaving when we've yet to really hear your side of the story. We still don't know what has made you so angry. Put it plainly for us, this is OT, say your mind. Why do you feel the way you feel about unclehobart?
s4 and sbcanada lobbied HWC to get an offsite OT forum going.... dont you think s4 would be pissed not being asked to help moderate here?
Umm... can anyone show me one place... one lousy place where I asked to be made a mod? I was just trying to get an idea of the footing and basis for the site in general as a matter of course. It was being set up as an HWC offshoot... but set up by XiBase admin. This left me confused as to the general direction the site was expected to take.

I could really care less to be made a mod. I don't exist to hear the 'behind closed doors' whisperings that go on in mod hideouts. Its not a matter of what you have done for the site or how long you have been around... or post count... or ability to compile and hack code ... or talk shit with the best of them. Mods are supposed to be the stable and mature types with a certain rational detachment and ability to judge a situation fairly without threatening or alienating people out of hand. It should have nothing to do with sheer popularity contests and this 'pick me! pick me!' BS.

Bubba, Consider your source before you go off accusing people of stooging.
I don't even have that much loyalty to the JJR site. I certainly have no loyalty to Justin himself. We rarely speak in the best of times. Hell... I even left the JJR DC team a while back. Explain to me how that makes me a loyalist? My post count was mostly derived from my being a mod of the usless trivia forum. A good 4000 of my posts are nothing more than: yes, no, correct, incorrect, and cut and paste Trivial Pursuit.
What am I supposed to do? Let him call me an arrogant stooge spy out of the clear blue and let it pass? Hes questioned my very integrity. He started it. Either he ends it or I will end him.
All allegations aside, being a good Moderator does entail more then popular choice (but hopefully people keep this in mind if it comes to that). Some of the basic principals of moderating include:

* A moderator must have patience, be it with a newbie, or with someone who is stiring up trouble.

* A moderator needs tact, in knowing how to best handle people and situations.

* A moderator needs a cool temperament. One can't simply go blowing their top every time someone dints their pride.

Being friendly, active and helpful are other basic requirements ;)

Krusty, s4 had already stated he had no interest in being an Admin or a Mod. sbcanada had already offered him the position of Admin and s4 respectfully declined.


Alrighty, so s4 is the Administrator, MitchSchaft is the host, Justintime and sbcanada are moderators... only one thing left...


I really appreciate the nod of being an admin, but I must decline. However, I'd more than welcome the opportunity to join and help out as a member. I've never really liked being a moderator even when I was a mod at Xibase. Being a member is cool!
Sorry guys thats weird...

I was chatting to s4 on ICQ and he gave me the impression he'd been passed over.
Fair enough. Sounds like there was a vast misunderstanding. He'd given us a strong indication he had no interest in the position, otherwise he'd probably be at least a Moderator now going by sbcanada's offer.
Seems strange talking about s4, I'd rather give him the respect of talking with him. Would you at least let him know of the topic's continuation krusty?
Im sure he'll be back to look here today sometime... I will also tell him next time I see him... I don't mind being the devil's advocate... but I hate stirring shit when I'm mis-informed.
It's not weird. I threw my hat in the ring to be a mod yesterday morning as one of the first things I did when I got here. In fact, I discussed it with Fury at great length in chat yesterday morning. He told me I would have to be voted in with the rest of the mods if I wanted it.

sbcanada knew I wanted to be a mod too, but since he was given the job right off the bat, he only cared about himself and he was bragging about how powerful he feels.