Mom's own personal hell


Staff member
The school has got the kids hawking chocolate bars for fundraising purposes.

I now have a case of 20 (used to be 30) chocolate bars sitting right behind me, due to stay there for another week, with a short trip to Daddy's house to pawn some on off on him and his friends.

They are the REALLY REALLY REALLY good kind of chocolate. And if I eat any, I gotta throw in a toonie. And a body shouldn't prolly eat 20 bars anyway.

This is cruel and unusual!!!!
My kids never have been allowed to go door to door. The school is getting around that by recommending sales to family and friends. It's a shorter list when there's no family whatsoever living nearby.
The parents in our office just bring their kids chocolates here. They spread the word and within minutes, the boxes are emptied. No door to door, and boxes at a time sold.
[Stereotypical Southern backwoods voice]What the hail is a toonie? Them little fish what they sell in them flat-ass cans?[/voice]
SouthernN'Proud said:
[Stereotypical Southern backwoods voice]What the hail is a toonie? Them little fish what they sell in them flat-ass cans?[/voice]

Canadian two dollar coin.
Over here it's cookies. Very yummy cookies. They only have to sell five boxes each. Haha. The last time he bought one for himself (!), I bought one, one went to granny, and I chased him out the door to sell the last ones to some sugar crawing students.
We've had many adventures in selling. Sometimes it's unique, we've done things like frozen pizzas, buckets of muffin/cookie dough, christmas boughs, spring plants. Chocolate bars is my least favourite, with magazines being a close second.

Cookies is a great idea.
Leslie said:
We've had many adventures in selling. Sometimes it's unique, we've done things like frozen pizzas, buckets of muffin/cookie dough, christmas boughs, spring plants. Chocolate bars is my least favourite, with magazines being a close second.

Cookies is a great idea.
I once had to sell fruit cake. Top that.
seems like every other weeks there is a box of candy bars to be sold as a fund raiser sitting in the break room. never seen one last an entire day without being sold out.
i have 2 or 3 sitting in my locker right now. saving them for those super busy days when i dont get to sit and eat lunch. quick energy boost.
I've never been able to figure out why they don't sell stuff people actually want to buy. My son sold some coupon books for local restaraunts one that was a bargain.