More B u n s - nice and hot

Re: More Buns - nice and hot

I can't beat Spot's picture. But let's try this ... It might be borderline inappropriate, so if you need to remove it fury, by all means ... *hehe*

Re: More Buns - nice and hot

*looks round* I'll give you $10 for the whole thing. Plus this new friend I got off of ebay
Looking for a ride?

Nice one spot! I like the floss too...wonder where you can buy that one...I'd like it for the missus :)

Re: Looking for a ride?

Damn. This thread is major depressing. Why can't my ass look like that?
Re: Looking for a ride?

Far too much extremism, we either get the goofyugly or the too perfect ugly :eh:

Im just weird though like the only ass that did anything for me was the one with the weird thong (spot) but i actually noticed the thong first
Mr. Bishops last post with the gal that has the helmet on, really cracked me up. Does anyone here know what DILLIGAF means? When I was in Germany, assigned to Delta Co. 2/67 Armor, we named our tank DILLIGAF. Took forever for people to get it. Once they did, no tank name could match it. :)