More Bill, less Reverend Al


molṑn labé
Staff member
Taped July 18th 2006. Aired recently on C-SPAN. The Washington Post and the Kaiser Family Foundation hosted a forum called "Paths to Success, A Forum On Young African-American Men".

I'm tired of this drive-by crap. The Washington Post ran a clip and then they edited and they showed us what they wanted us to see these men saying, defining what is a black man. I heard not one black man say anything about being a father. I heard not one black man say, "my responsibility." They just didn't say the family and the structure of it. Not one edited version of these people with a camera on the drive-by. I'm looking to media. I don't like media. I don't like people who see and can't tell the truth.

He's right on so many fronts. It's good to see some black public figure who remembers the importance of fatherhood & is willing to speak it aloud. Time for him to be shot down again.
Does he? Well... now that I know about it, I'll probably watch it as much as I did before I knew about it.
sharpton rocks.

i'd never vote for him. fuckin' crackpot.

but he's always interesting and often entertaining.

but cosby... is bill cosby able to represent black america? black folks i know have just made fun of him and the huxtables as white under the skin... or does he represent the black america that white america wants? (*this is just a question, not a claim of any sort*)
Here's the show i was thinking of "Sharp Talk with Al Sharpton".

Rev. Al Sharpton takes the tradition of barbershop discussion to a new level with his show "Sharp Talk with Al Sharpton." This half-hour talk show, filmed at Levels Barbershop in Brooklyn, tackles a wide range of cultural, political and economic issues.

Each week, Rev. Al Sharpton and his expert guests discuss what really going on in the minds of African Americans; with topics such as slavery reparations, the relevancy of church, police brutality, gentrification impacting African American communities, entertainers as role models, Republican party, and fatherhood.

I'd watch it. As 2minkey said, the dude is interesting and entertaining.
Bill Cosby has forgotten more about being a man that Snoop Dog, Barry Bonds, Jesse Jackson, and Spike Lee combined will ever know.
2minkey said:
sharpton rocks.

i'd never vote for him. fuckin' crackpot.

but he's always interesting and often entertaining.

but cosby... is bill cosby able to represent black america? black folks i know have just made fun of him and the huxtables as white under the skin... or does he represent the black america that white america wants? (*this is just a question, not a claim of any sort*)
Sharpton is a bigot. If a white man said much of the stuff Al says, he'd be crucified. I don't have time for it from a white man or a black man.
2minkey said:
sharpton rocks.

i'd never vote for him. fuckin' crackpot.

but he's always interesting and often entertaining.

but cosby... is bill cosby able to represent black america? black folks i know have just made fun of him and the huxtables as white under the skin... or does he represent the black america that white america wants? (*this is just a question, not a claim of any sort*)

So how many black folks do you know? I never heard anything of the sort. I know some black folks felt that way...usually the ones with issues over another black person being successful...but the majority likes Cosby. If you think I'm being unfair, by all means, let me know.
well i used to know a shitload of black folks in detroit... school chums, co-workers, couple roomates... but then most of them were academics (there's yer explanation!) and some were (or, i suppose, still are) black african.

now, in seattle, there are only about thirty-four black people. and i don't know them. wait. i know one. a makeup artist. and i met a hairdresser not too long ago, but he was an ultra-flake (surprise). when i got here from detroit i was like "what the fuck... this is the whitest town i've ever seen..."

no man, you didn't harsh my buzz... that's why i asked, thought i might get something interesting from outside my weird (former) social circle.

yeah chcr you could call sharpton a bigot i guess, but he's still got some interesting shit to say.
2minkey said:
yeah chcr you could call sharpton a bigot i guess, but he's still got some interesting shit to say.
There's nothing any bigot can say that I'm interested in hearing.
chcr said:
There's nothing any bigot can say that I'm interested in hearing.

i understand yer viewpoint and in a lot of ways agree, but i'm not absolutist about it.

neitschze was a rare form of asshole and heidegger was a nazi, but each had some interesting ideas outside their respective dumbassitudes.
well i used to know a shitload of black folks in detroit... school chums, co-workers, couple roomates... but then most of them were academics (there's yer explanation!) and some were (or, i suppose, still are) black african.

now, in seattle, there are only about thirty-four black people. and i don't know them. wait. i know one. a makeup artist. and i met a hairdresser not too long ago, but he was an ultra-flake (surprise). when i got here from detroit i was like "what the fuck... this is the whitest town i've ever seen..."

no man, you didn't harsh my buzz... that's why i asked, thought i might get something interesting from outside my weird (former) social circle.

yeah chcr you could call sharpton a bigot i guess, but he's still got some interesting shit to say.

Just remember one thing...every person in 'academics' is also a member of S.W.I.N.E. (Students Wildly Indignant over Nearly Everything). As for your crack about Seattle, I'm 100% sure there are more than 34 blacks living there. My first duty station was McChord AFB, and I took a few trips to clubs in Seattle during my 2 years there. Anywho...the word you're looking for is "hater". ;)