More homophobia to amuse the enlightened


molṑn labé
Staff member
NEW YORK - The city wants to make it easier for transgender New Yorkers to switch the sex listed on their birth certificate even without undergoing sex-change surgery, putting the city at the forefront of efforts to redefine gender.

Under present city rules, only people who can show proof of surgery qualify for getting a revised birth certificate. Even then, the only change made is the elimination of any reference to gender on the document.


We can now have well hung women & it won't necessarily be their boobs.
this is gonna be classic. First they couldn't say the colour of a criminal in the description, now they won't even be able to say if it's a guy or girl. Brilliant.
Homophobia? Transgendered people aren't gay...they're just born with the wrong equipment.

In either case... why change the birth certificate? It's the record of your gender when you were born. Right?
If you have a dick you're a dude no matter how much like Marilyn Monroe you look. What does that have to do with homophobia?

Bish, I would have said transgender people aren't necessarily gay.
this is gonna be classic. First they couldn't say the colour of a criminal in the description, now they won't even be able to say if it's a guy or girl. Brilliant.

"Sex? Well I don't know but they were the spitting image of Marilyn Monroe." :lol:
Homophobia? Transgendered people aren't gay...they're just born with the wrong equipment.

In either case... why change the birth certificate? It's the record of your gender when you were born. Right?
So, a guy who loves wimmen, but wants to be one himself (herself?) doesn't think of themselves as a lesbian with the wrong equipment?

Anyways, it doesn't matter. Soon they'll have stemcell treatments to cure your gender too, won't they Bish?
So, a guy who loves wimmen, but wants to be one himself (herself?) doesn't think of themselves as a lesbian with the wrong equipment?

Anyways, it doesn't matter. Soon they'll have stemcell treatments to cure your gender too, won't they Bish?
You've been watching interesting pr0n again, havn't you?

I couldn't care less what people have between their legs anyways. Unless we're dating. I prefer them "sticking out"-parts. Not a big deal if it sticking out from a fly or from under a skirt. But I don't like boobs. Boobs are yucky. I'm sure you all agreeeah... nevermind.
Mr Bish buys DOUBLE EE bras!!!

he didn't say if anything stood to attention though!

wotcha Starya! :kiss:
How's things??

btw- here's a medal from all the OTC blokes for most amusing ill-thought out comment of 2006!! :D

But I don't like boobs. Boobs are yucky. I'm sure you all agreeeah

Best, BB x
If it doesn't have two billygoats and a feather boa, how interesting could it be????

Two, he says. Obviously you're out of the loop. And don't forget the Tabasco sauce.

I saw this horse shit yesterday on Yahoo. Read the attendant article. Sez a handful of states don't have laws allowing it, and that one (Tennessee) has a law on the books forbidding such alteration to one's birth certificate. Glad we got something right at least. Yer born with what yer born with. You wanna go solder it off? Have at it. Yer still a dude if it dangles, a chick if it don't. It ain't complicated (avoided using the word "hard" there).

And I can't speak for nobody but m'damn self, but I have yet to see a feller what didn't like havin a pecker except them that decided to go queer. I like mine. Grown rather attached to the little feller. Call it gay, homo, transgendered, fruit loops, whatever you like. It ain't natural, it ain't right, and it ain't open for discussion 'round these parts hyar. Be queer all you want. Just don't be expectin me to understand it or endorse it.
It's when you apply it to the outside of a condom, and drive home into her without her knowing what you've done that the fun begins.