more obama foreign policy impotence

i have no idea what his agenda is. but i do approve of several things he has done. again, i'm not bound by bullshit loyalty in either direction, so i can evaluate things as they are, not as some lilly-livered position dictates. i'll leave that kinda thing for the mentally feeble.

nah fuck it i'll join up! just give me the rules and tell me what to think!

dude you should certainly continue to cling to your team. it makes you more of a man, and erases years of split-tail domination HA HA HA...
if this was a republican i would not have a different opinion as to the correctness of the action. in fact i agree with the republicans who think we should done something in libya SOONER.

fortunately i form opinions based on principles, not canine loyalty.

you sound like you're still in high school.

Sorry if the law is a hindrance to your emotional state.

Does this mean we are going into Iraq next? We already allowed the slaughter of all those students, when are going in?
zOMG it's now about laws!

i better talk to a therapist about how this might impact my emotions! plus you being a big alpha meanie doesn't help. hmmmm. guess i better see what my health plan covers...

this does not mean we are doing anything in particular in the future.

it was a situation with a fairly achievable GOAL in a modest time frame.

iraq? do you mean iran? meh what's the difference to you anyway?

um, no. that is not a situation where one could emerge "mission accomplished" with timing and budget that is tolerable to 'merica.

maybe you should think about things before you spew your ca-ca all over the place. you really don't seem so on the ball lately.
blame Bush?

Call him the billion-dollar man. One billion for one dictator.
According to the Pentagon, that was the cost to U.S. taxpayers
for Muammar el-Qaddafi's head: $1.1 billion through September,
the latest figure just out of the Defense Department.
Yeah Iran, but your right, doesn't matter anymore. We now have an entirely new set of precedents on the powers of congress and the office of the President.

We can just go fuck-up anyone we like now. Fuck yeah, now the president can bomb the fuck out anyone as a kinetic action, place combat boots on the ground anywhere he likes.

Hell, not only can we now sell guns to anyone, we can fund the purchases too. Yea for socialism.

Fuck yeah, lets do this shit.

well then what is saddam? the trillion+ dollar man?

yeah mission accomplished. that turned out pretty good didn't it? real bang for our buck.

um yes RM it is socialism. of course it is. anything you don;t like is. i love how you just had to throw that in there. certainly suggests that you have very little grasp of what that word means. it's your catch-all term for bad stuff and bad guys. you and gonz should get together and make some superhero videos. i hear gonz looks awesome in spandex so he should be the star.
Obama foreign policy deemed a success!

I'll give you that.
We should be stealing all their oil
and be making preparations to invade Iran?

Well, let's see.

Israel - democratic government
Afghanistan...half assed democratic government
Iraq...half assed democratic government
Egypt...Muslim Brotherhood
Libya...POWER VACUUM (Mulsim Brotherhood, coming to your town soon)
Syria...Missed Quaddaffy's exectution? Stay tuned
you are right gonz. obama should have violently suppressed those outbreaks.

bush made the big mistake of taking one of them out and destabilizing iraq.

paving the way for the arab spring. which obama had nothing to do with.
It isn't Obama's place to supress, or assist, these outbreaks. We are not to get involved with civil wars.

Bush realized that 12 years of having our pilots shot at was enough.
Progressive rap

That shit is whack
Yo whitey get in the back

Are you on crack?
you don't know jack

Yo whitey get in the back
of course the death of khadafi has nothing to do with obama's actions. this was all set in place years ago by a republican.

Ha! Reagan left one JDAM soaring in the stratosphere with Gaddafi's name on it just waiting for the right moment.
Another catastrophic failure of Obama's foreign policy

Arab Spring equals Sharia Law?
only to a panic-prone imbecile who turns their own shitty inadequacies into imaginary external monsters.