more obama foreign policy impotence

this raises minor potential issues of enforcement of arbitration and related procedural standards. there's easy ways around that. meaning arbitration by full consent and, um, i think it's called estoppel. meaning dick for recourse/absolutely binding.

if parties agree to resolve a dispute according to mutually shared community standard, and at no point impact the rights of others, that would be super. that would mean less clutter in the courts that our taxes fund.

or perhaps you don't think it should be legal to spank a child. :retard4:

jeez man you just can't stay out of the sucker bait trough.
I was merely pointing out that it is in actuality, potentially only
"a hop, skip, and jump" away from some kind of implementation here.

I have seen things happen since Obama took office that I, and
others I've heard have said 'would never happen here', happening now.
Barrack Hussein Osama

ha ha ha yeah It can't happen here

famous last words

you must realize that Demon-rats couldn't be wrong every time
what they do in regards to foreign is always wrong
but you must know that it only seems that way

They are on the other side


I have seen things happen since Obama took office that I, and
others I've heard have said 'would never happen here', happening now.

yes the unshakable foundation you have built with these infantile superstitions is certainly more than the shit snowball any level-headed observer would assess it to be.

more obama foreign policy failures

nothing we didn't foresee
we know what comes next
the arab spring is not at all about sharia. y'all don't have good pattern recognition. what kind of regimes have gone under? what do all those old-school pan-arab nationalists have in common hmmm i dunno maybe you could give me a hint... er maybe i should go ask saddam?

well, right now it's like the movie 'One'.
One rises, One dies...
Until One rise to be 'king of the mountain' because he can't be beat.
No, not really Democracy. That, apparently, has to be learned.
Theocracy in the 21st century

Oh Minky Minky Minky

are you saying the Arab world is ready to begin behaving like
a buncha 21st century Democratic Republics?

Shirley this can not be what you are eluding too?

OK so The strong man dictator was booted from two nations
and now they can adopt the model government for the region.

some whacked out version of what there is in Iran...
yeah i expect that they will be perfect democracies within a period of days. either that or they will fall right off the cliff into a swirling maelstrom of islamic terror. one of the two. anything else is too confusing for the mentally stunted residents of comicbookistan.
yeah i expect that they will be perfect democracies within a period of days. either that or they will fall right off the cliff into a swirling maelstrom of islamic terror. one of the two. anything else is too confusing for the mentally stunted residents of comicbookistan.

Don't concern yourself too much. In two years you can come back & agree that it's all become a festering cesspool but , hey, you were all for hope & change in the beginning too.
Obama's foreign policy successes to numerous to count

Gonz that is also another outcome I fully expect.
Don't concern yourself too much. In two years you can come back & agree that it's all become a festering cesspool but , hey, you were all for hope & change in the beginning too.

of course i was happy that things were changing in the middle east. if you got your finger out of your nose long enough to perk up and notice there's a few less things for 'them' to blame 'us' for at this point. you have absolutely no idea how much we were harmed by our relationship with mubarek, which fueled AQ in ways that.... um, well... forget it. just go back to your EZreader.

the thing that is really nagging you is the unacknowledged fact that thug-like actions by middle eastern governments are at least less fashionable than they were. and that has bad implications for those you worship over there. did bibi send your adoption papers over yet?
You're happy with change, until that change proves itself in a negative light.
Some of us see that ill-wind & close the door in advance. Some day, you'll
learn to do this too.