more troubles for me

men do the same things too :shrug: its weird but like gf said some feel they dont deserve better or something
It's not that she doesn't think she deserves better. She just can't get better. What I'm critiscizing is the "I don't want to start a relationship with you because I don't want to ruin our friendship" point-of-view when in the end you put an ex above a friend. I guess I'm way too rational to understand these things :shrug:
AlladinSane said:
put an ex above a friend
GNOOOOO!!! That's just wrong!! Okay, ,speaking from PERSONAL experience, not just speculation, I've recently gotten back together with my ex *bangs head on table* and even when we were still apart, I had times for my friends. And in changes in recent history, I still have LOADS of time for my friends! :D

Your female frind there doesn't sound like much of a friend to me :eyebrow:
Vortex said:
Your female frind there doesn't sound like much of a friend to me

yea unless the ex is one if her best friends(my ex and i were like that but seems like shes not much of a friend.
Luis G said:
let me tell you that latin women (aka natural born bitches) are very very different from others.

I wouldn't say that... my natural instincts when thwarted are to be a total bitch, especially if I'm passionately involved in someone or something. I'm just very subtle in the way that I go about it.

Believe me, it gave me great pleasure to tell my ex to fuck off when he came crawling back after "the love of his life" turned out not to be. And it gives me even greater pleasure to know that he hasn't had a relationship in the 5 years since either... I just don't show it. :D
No, he's not her friend. He just loves her since they were 13 yrs old(both have 32 now). I wouldn't even call it love, I think he needs help. She never really loved him despite being his GF for 2 years in 2 different times, the last one 10 years ago. It's just that her family LOVES him and they still dream with her marrying him. They do any kind of "terrorist efforts" (inviting him to family meetings is just one of them). I fear that after some disastrous(sp) relationships she may give up to the pressures an accepting him back. Honestly, I don't know if I should care anymore. We were close friends for more than a decade, and always could count on each other for anything. But the last years she just ignored all my advices over and over...