Well that certainly clarifies that we shouldn't be in Iraq then.
Nice source. An opinion piece at the Weekly Standard
Hell not even Gonz believes Iraq was connected with Al Queada. You really have to be a delusional fanatic to cling to that one.
backed up by substantiated facts
``The intelligence community never found an operational relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda,'' Levin said. ``The report specifically states that `the CIA and DIA disavowed any `mature, symbiotic' relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda.''
What would that have to do with Iraq?
Connect the Dots
In one editorial, two months before the attack, al-Nasiriyah -- a state-run newspaper for the Saddam regime -- managed to name all three attack targets for 9/11. They said that bin Laden had spent his time trying to work out how to bomb the White House, which would happen shortly before destroying the Pentagon. Then, in typically flowery Arabic fashion, the author claims that Americans will "curse the memory of Frank Sinatra", an odd reference -- unless one remembers that "New York, New York" remains Sinatra's signature song. In the event, the attack followed precisely this plan, except in reverse order: the World Trade Center went first, then the Pentagon, and the White House would likely have followed if the heroes of Flight 93 had not caused the terrorists to down the plane in Pennsylvania.
Has Iraq been invaded by a group of people who would like Iraq to accept their view of the world or something?
The inspector general determined that Feith's shop did nothing illegal, but still maintained that his office's analyses were "inappropriate." Why? According to the inspector general, Feith & Co. did not sufficiently explain that their conclusions were at odds with the CIA's (and the DIA's) judgments. That was enough for Levin to go on the attack once again.
I'm guessing you'd be happy if we just got rid of our military forces, right?
If this country would only adopt the liberal viewpoint of appeasement and surrender then we wouldn't need them?
spike said:Cerise said:You don't believe that we have been attacked by a group of people who would like us to accept their view of the world?
What would that have to do with Iraq?
Has Iraq been invaded by a group of people who would like Iraq to accept their view of the world or something?
I'm guessing you'd be happy if we just got rid of our military forces, right?
Connect the Dots? Not really any dots to connect there are there?
Now what about all those dots connected to Saudi Arabia? You going to answer that one?
So it's still a little unclear, were you for or against groups of people trying to get others to accept their view of the world through violence?
You brought "all those dots" up---you go first.
Are you calling America a terrorist state?
Go first how? I gave info on Saudi and asked you a question about it.
No, I was asking you to clarify your position. Just read the question->
were you for or against groups of people trying to get others to accept their view of the world through violence?
Has Iraq been invaded by a group of people who would like Iraq to accept their view of the world or something?
You think Saddam was opposed to terrorism. I'm not so sure.
okay gonz, not "support" WHAT terrorism or terrorists?
Bullshit. For several years now, you've said, in one form or another, that the Hussein regime did not support terrorism, because it was as likely to attack him as anyone. The words may not be specific but the message is clear.
sure. it's not that i don't like it. i think it's super dandy. but i don't think it's 'scripture' and i think it should be questioned and re-framed to be consistent with the world we live in.
Actually it is the ultimate law unless changed by amendment, appeal, or found 'unconstitutional' by the Supreme Court. If those changes, which you referred to and I spelled out, do not occur, then, guess what, its 'scripture'.