Robert Fulghum said:All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sand pile at school.
These are the things I learned:
* Share everything.Private Property be damned
* Play fair.Under whose rules?
* Don't hit people.Unless they hit first or hit someone smaller & weaker than you
* Put things back where you found them.Or pay for them
* Clean up your own mess.We did. What about China & Inida?
* Don't take things that aren't yours.Unless you pay for them
* Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.Just saying it makes it true
* Wash your hands before you eat.Ask the government, or HHS
* Flush.Unless you've taken the Pledge
* Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.Tell that to Barbara
..... but goodwill and trust are a shitload more effective.
Iran did something fairly important this week, in the grand scheme of things. Iran proved that President Bush and his “Axis of Evil” comment was accurate, and that President/Senator Obama (and all his liberal allies with blinders on) with his Pollyannish “Iran is not a threat” was wrong. Deadly wrong.
racial hatred... pops up rather often.
When has "goodwill and trust" meant anything to those "tiny countries" run by despots and terrorists other than "weakness" and "inexperience"?
The French prez even has more balls than BHO:
Sarkozy: “We live in the real world, not the virtual world. And the real world expects us to take decisions.
“I support the extended hand of the Americans, but what good has proposals for dialogue brought the international community? More uranium enrichment and declarations by the leaders of Iran to wipe a UN member state off the map,” he continued, referring to Israel."
Axis Of Evil: Bush Right, Obama Wrong
Do you expect debate?
I can't debate with fear and hate mongering which are your stock and trade....
Things to be afraid of....
Umm... put out a bowl of vinegar where you know there are flies some time. Then find a new metaphor.
nah it dudn't really pop up but rather lies under a lot of the commentary here e.g. this thread.
too bad the local cowards won't say what they really mean.
anyway, i'll let ya'll get back to
things to be afraid of
I don't know how things work at your house or Mark's, but around here we typically don't have a bowl of crap handy. I suspect you're right though.Put out a bowl of crap and you'll catch even more...
I don't know how things work at your house or Mark's, but around here we typically don't have a bowl of crap handy. I suspect you're right though.
I don't know how things work at your house or Mark's, but around here we typically don't have a bowl of crap handy. I suspect you're right though.
Yay! Keep them damn Canadians out!
I dunno about this particular thread, but the FBI is braking bad these days.
Yay! Keep them damn Canadians out!
I could have Jody throw together a bowl of crap from the cat boxes, but why would I even wish to catch flies?