Moving house


Staff member
OK, so, I need to find a place to live next year. I went and looked at 4 places yesterday. I picked a very nice place. By FAR the nicest of the 4 houses we looked at. Problem is just the upstairs of the house. Like, bedrooms, bathroom and there is gonna be a kitchen put in. The landlord lives on the main floor. He kinda creeped me out. None of the other rooms are rented yet and he made it clear that it was females he was renting to. "I thought two girls who knew each other could share the loft room because it's $700 a month" then when we went back to look at the house again after seeing someothers and before making a final decision he said "If I have to partion the loft for two girls who don't know each other it will cost them each more than half of $700 because I had to put up a wall"

This middle aged man seems intent to rent the upstairs of his house to specifically females. I am backing out.

When we went back the second time you could smell pot. Vince said last night when I told him I was backing out that he'd love ot have a pothead for a landlord. I told him I have nothing against it but it creeps me out about the specifically wanting females in the house with him. Why don't boys understand? All Vince could think about was how cool it'd be to have a pothead landlord.

Do ya'll think I'm nuts?
*lol* I don't think you're so nuts. If the landlord creeps you out, do you really want to commit to living there for a year (or whatever the minimum time is)? While most "potheads" are harmless ... *shrugs* Creepy guys are never cool on any level, no matter how much happy smoke you have.

it sounds like a very tough decision. :( I wish you the best of luck with it.
Yeah, it wasn't the pot that bothered me or swayed my decision either way. I just found it weird that that was Vince's main concern...
Also, I barely slept last night. Kept having these nightmares about bad landlords, not finding somewhere to live, etc...I wish I knew what was wrong with me...why this whole thing has me in such a tizzy. Is it normal to be THIS nervous?
Nixy said:
Also, I barely slept last night. Kept having these nightmares about bad landlords, not finding somewhere to live, etc...I wish I knew what was wrong with me...why this whole thing has me in such a tizzy. Is it normal to be THIS nervous?

*lol* :hug:

I'd think it's normal to be in such a tizzy. Try not to let it get to you too much, 'cause everything will work out one way or another. And worry'ing does little good to solve anything (though it's easier to say "don't worry" than it actually is to do).

:blush: I'm a big fan of making lists. Make a list for each place listing the pros and cons. If you can't find a place where the pros are significantly better than the cons, keep on lookin'. It works for me, might for you. Might not. How long do you have before you have to have a final decision?
These places are for the beginning of September.

If I let it sit to long though there will be nothing left.

Houses I saw yesterday


Pros: Nice landlords, landlords right next door so they take care of clearing snow, etc

Cons: Rooms available are in basement, rooms are not built yet so don't know what they are going to be like


Pros: Very nice house

Cons:VERY creepy landlord who lives downstairs


Pros: Very nice people already living there (students)
Cons: VERY small, can't see the room being big enough for a bed and computer desk really...



Cons: Crack house look a like, owned by a company so they will rent to anyone, don't want to possibly end up with roommates like are in there now
Don't let the 'only girls' thing freak you out too much. It ain't necessarily a 'middle-aged-creap' syndrome thing. Where my wife lived, the landlords only rented to women...two reasons

Women are less damaging to property
Women tend to be quieter and have less parties (at their apt.)

Frankly...if I could guarantee quiet and respect for property from guys as easily as I do from women...I wouldn't care whom I rented to...but it just isnt' the case.

Pot head though....maybe he'd forget to collect the rent one month. :):clap:
Oh, many landlords prefer women. There are many ads with male landlords requesting women BUT those landlords don't live in the house.

He lives there so I would think it wouldn't matter. He is downstairs so he coudl control if/when they have parties, etc.
One place I have to look at today has a fireplace and walk-in closet!!! :eek:
No, it says "walk-in closet" in the ad

The only thing really, really good about the one I am gonna give up is my room would be about 12'x15'
The pothead guy probably has cameras planted in the batroom like hell :bolt:
Well, out of 4 places there are ZILCH that intrigued me

5 or 6 more ads pulled to call later this week to look at next Saturday hopefully (one of them is having open house then). One is a basement appt and the ad has pictures and it looks B-E-A-U-tiful :D
Buy a tent and some long underwear.

But seriously, why not look into buying a mobile home close to the area and rent out the extra room? Half of the places near me are rented out to student at the aerotech up the road.
I think if you were to look around, you'd find that there are trailer lots all over the place. People tend to blindspot them. But if it's that much trouble, I withdraw the suggestion.
I really don't think there are in the heart of Hamilton.

It's like...downtown...