Moving images - denied!

Leslie said:
I found it. And I think I fixed it.

Maybe I'll go unfix yours cause you just gave me the hairy eyeball :p

I've got the Smilie extension for Firefox installed ,I could have given you much worse,was more ticked you stole my Clown :hmm:
Inkara1 said:
OK, this is getting annoying... I went to upload it as a post to see if it would work and it told me the image is 113K. I'd done all this work to get it to below 50K and I guess "save" didn't save.

It'd be nice if it said "file size too big" or something.
leslietesting said:
huh. It is real.

there must be a default setting somewhere.


*bad italian accent* So ... dee fault, she lies with default, eh? *insert appropriate hand action here*