My babies... (warning: large pics)


New Member
Had a little photo shoot with the kids this weekend. Figured it was time I introduced them...

plant stand in my living room

top shelf, left to right: creeping jenny, pink mini rose, yellow mini rose, orange kalanchoe, yellow kalanchoe

middle shelf: red/green coleus, mixed coleus, red/green coleus, dracena marginata

bottom shelf: Phalenopsis Orchids: "Warm Heart", "Brother Golden Embers Gladys Reed x Brother Passat" (not blooming--I think I killed it already!), "Golden Peoker", "Happy Girl", "Baldan's Kaleidoscope"


closeup of the top and middle shelf


closeup of the middle and bottom shelf


closeup of the pink mini-rose


closeup of Phal "Golden Peoker"


closeup of Phal "Baldans Kaleidoscope"


closeup of Phal "Warm Heart"

They don't call me greenfreak for nuthin. ;) Gardening totally fits my anal nature. Ask me anything about the care those plants need and I'll talk your ear off. :D
Professur said:
I wasted that much bandwidth on freaking plants?????

* storms outta the thread.

*covers my plants ears*

I warned you ya fool. Good riddance to bad rubbish, that's what I say. :hmm:
when i used to grow plants i had this thing of somewhat talking to them and being with the plant for a while or have it near me.

Don't know what that does to the plants, but my plants growed (??) faster than my sister's plants.
* needs GF to come and tend to her plants for awhile

they're lovely, gf, you definitely take super care of them!
Luis, it's funny you say that... I have 7 plants at work on my bench. I always listen to music while I'm working but there was one day last week that I wasn't in there the whole day, so no music. This woman that I work with came over to me and said, "You forgot to turn on the music for the plants today." I laughed and said, "The music is for me, not the plants!"

I have this thing about touching my plants though. I can't keep my hands off that Creeping Jenny, it feels so cool. :)

Thanks you guys.

Oh I forgot to mention the hanging pot. You can't really see it but it's Vinca Vine. I'm planning on mixing it with my daisies when they bloom and hanging them outside the house.

I'm so happy spring is here finally. :dance:
greenfreak said:
Professur said:
I wasted that much bandwidth on freaking plants?????

* storms outta the thread.

*covers my plants ears*

I warned you ya fool. Good riddance to bad rubbish, that's what I say. :hmm:


gonna plant them bulbs this week....
Spot, I saw a whole bunch of Canna in the nursery last weekend and I thought of you. I resisted the urge to buy them! Barely, but I resisted. You'll have to let me know how they do. :)