my christmas wish


New Member
Help us remember that the jerk who cut us

off in traffic last night is a single mother who

worked nine hours that day and is rushing

home to cook dinner, help ith homework,

do the laundry and spend a few precious

moments with her children.

Help us to remember that the pierced,

tattooed, disinterested young man who

can't make change correctly is a worried

19-year-old college student, balancing his

apprehension over final exams with his fear

of not getting his student loans for next semester.

Remind us, Lord, that the scary looking bum,

begging for money in the same spot every day

(who really ought to get a job!) is a slave to

addictions that we can only imagine in our

worst nightmares.

Help us to remember that the old couple

walking annoyingly slow through the store

aisles and blocking our shopping progress

are savoring this moment, knowing that,

based on the biopsy report she got back

last week, this will be the last year that

they go shopping together.

there was a bunch of religious stuff that came after this but i think that these analogies transcend religion and i hope that this gives you a new outlook on others...merry whatever, OTC.
Thank you so much for that Tonksy - with the mood I was in just a few minutes ago, I really needed that to remind me to calm down. :D
And remember that those who cut you off,

begged you for change,

Block your passage in the aisles,

and that pierced young man don't give a fuck

that you suffer too, you also have holiday blues and you also have

obligations to uphold.

So next time others tell you to relax and realize that others have

problems too you tell them "yeah and they don't give a fuck about mine

in all their fleeting time and rush".

Lord help us remind us that society's woe is not for the the more lucky

ones to suffer. That those who are fortunate

should be thankful but not be guilt stricken

for problems the less fortunate suffer.

That the less fortunate should also realize pissing off others in their

misery doesn't exactly work in their favor and that

those who cut us off are usually fucktard drivers...not well meaning

single mothers and that it is ok to curse at them.

That most hobos are actually mean, grumpy people who only care about

your money not your goodwill despite all those Hallmark movies that show

the contrary.

Lord...O LORD help us overcome these annoying

holiday e-mail messages asking us to calm down

instead give humanity commensense because whoever wrote that intial

message doesn't have much and relies on your word

too damn much.

there is a negative spin on everything BCD....i just think we should consider the other guy's should try you tons of grouch :winkkiss:
May you remember that you are human,
that the man or woman in front of you,
behind you or beside you is human too.
That we all face our trials and tribulations,
that we all have our joys and our tears.
Remember that you do nothing good by stepping on the downtrodden
and being stepped on does you no good either
Remember to smile once a day,
because you never know
when your turn to die will come,
and it would be a real shame to think
that your last day on this earth
was spent in misery,
with nary a smile to spare.
tonks said:
there is a negative spin on everything BCD....i just think we should consider the other guy's should try you tons of grouch :winkkiss:

It is possible that i am the other then is my thoughtlessness justified? If i didn't consider others feelings i would be lynched and hanging somewhere right now by disgruntled citizens.

We all have problems but acting hastly and impeteous ergo ruining others day along with yours isn't something to be given sympathy for, that being said i have more hope for humanity then likely anyone else does yet i expect less from society more than anyone else.

Being humane doesn't include forgiving rampant stupidity.
no it doesn't, but it can forgive small amounts of should always try to not act little a total prick...but sometimes shit happens...all i'm saying is that you should consider that...also consider the times that you yuorself have made some of the same lapses...karma, if you will...and no i'm not talking about karma on a cosmic level before you pounce upon that :D
Erm, I sorta disagree there. Yeah, maybe you shouldn't intentionally act like a bastard and consider your actions carefully. But you don't necessarily have to base your actions on how it might affect others. Sometimes your reaction is totally justified in the context of the situation. It might not seem so when you learn about the history that has lead to the other person's action, but because you act on what is immediately known to you, you cannot really be too worried about it.

Besides - that other person should show the same sort of consideration for you and think how their actions might influence you.

For instance that 'mother' racing on the freeway and cutting you off should consider that you might be on your way to a family member's death bed - you aren't driving like a mad thing to get there and thereby putting other people in danger - why should she be allowed to do so/

And the beggar may not consider that you are up to your eyeballs in debt and the last pennies you have are going towards putting food on your table - all he sees is someone in a car or whatever and from my experience they think you OWE it to them to give them something - some become aggressive if you don't.

Not saying it's it's OK to be screwed up bastards to other people, just saying the coin tosses both ways :shrug:
tonks said:
no it doesn't, but it can forgive small amounts of should always try to not act little a total prick

I have been improving (that fight did me good)

...but sometimes shit happens...all i'm saying is that you should consider that...also consider the times that you yuorself have made some of the same lapses...karma, if you will...and no i'm not talking about karma on a cosmic level before you pounce upon that :D

First of all Karma isn't in my make concious decisions that have concious consequences through events that unfold.

Driving fast and cutting off people works for no one. Acting aviodant and wearing dark clothes and makeup does not get you self reflection or help from any one. Asking for petty change to only feed drug addictions (some, most are just hungry and helpless) does not get you respect or a liveable life.

The single mother must realize hasty driving does no one good, infact it is in her best of interest not to do such. Family is a top priority but if laundry isn't done for one day world will not end, if your car flips over...well then you know.

The teen....acting out anger is childish, i know many "dark and brooding" douchebags....every college student has same worries and fears but i don't don a visage of torn black clothes and piercings to deal with my problems.

I am all for sympathy but not for those that blame everything on life. I can feel bad for those three example but i feel nothing beyond that paltry moments of discomfort for them. I said before, i have a lot of faith in is my last resort to feel humility and shame, to learn of my humanity and to feel somewhere i belong even though that may be meager...

how can i not have hope and faith then?
IDLEchild said:
The single mother must realize hasty driving does no one good, infact it is in her best of interest not to do such. Family is a top priority but if laundry isn't done for one day world will not end, if your car flips over...well then you know.
gotta agreee with ya here bcd. unless your car has a light bar on the top, driving like an ass is inexcusible IMHO.
Well-First- THANKS TONKS!!!!!!
I had alittle Christmas spirit going and you just motivated me to thinking there are worse ppl,places ,and things, that go on around us and we take for granted everyday, not just the holiday season. So I would have to ditto those wishes..... :winkkiss:

Second-All my christmas wishes this year have already came true. In every aspect of my life at the present time.
I set goals - and I'm reaching everyone of them and not just for me but for my children...(sure there are major set backs from my heart, feeling what my boys are feeling in their hearts at this Christmas season-BUT I made sure that they will have a GREAT one.

That my children would talk to their father on the phone or could get in touch with him somehow........their hearts hurt, I see it everyday and have to deal with their feelings and emotions everyday, and especially at this time of year, being the 1st Christmas without him, to just assure them over and over that He LOVES THEM VERY MUCH and He wishes he could be with them too. And always make sure that whenever I give a kiss or hug, make sure that they know it is from him to on Christmas Day.... :crying4:
Huh, whatcha know-FINALLY-the boys got to talk with their Dad. Guess wishes really do come true-IF you want them bad enough... :swing: