My dads garden

16 trees removed... soil, trenchwork, stone wall, stone staircase, forked stone walkway, raw cost of all of the plants and soil, seed, water, impact on property taxes... probably over $20,000.
Yes it is... doubly so considering that he is moving to Florida later this year. He is only going to enjoy it for less than 2 years.

omg. hard to understand people would put so much effort into a hobby when it's for such a short period....
but then again, those short moments sitting there when the sun is shining, between those beautiful flowers must be worth all the effort :)
I think it all came about after a prolonged 2 1/2 year drought that caused a large hidden pocket of illegally dumped pine tree trunks that were discovered buried in his back yard, to collapse. The developer who did it died long ago.. so there was no one to sue or arrest for it. He was obligated to correct it out of his own pocket. It was a massive sink hole/pit that was 30 feet long and 15 feet across.. and getting roughly 6 feet deep. There were more than 40 trees in there. I guess he decided to just go ahead and remake it all from scratch since he already had the contractors there.
This is the deck that I was helping him clean for the last two days in preparation for painting and sealing on saturday and sunday. That naked spot on the wood is where I was testing the strength of my pressure washer. Its a beast. :D
Don't worry about it Ku'u. Your sitting on a pile of grade A volcanic soil in permanent warm weather and umpteen gazillion unique species that grow huge, colorful, and impressive year round. Everything that we have here should seem like hardscrabble in comparison.
the garden is really beautiful ... he took a great deal of pride in showing me around and actually introduced me to each one ... I think that's the first time I've ever been formally introduced to non-Native flora :D
They were just stubbs back then. They're nice and tall now. Twas a nice and rainy winter ... makes for killer spring blooms.
The weird part is that the investment will probably pay for itself (or close to it) when he sells.
I know that it made his property tax baseline jump $40,000 it paid of for the state to the tune of about $60 a year.