my diet


New Member
it's been a week. i've dropped 5 lbs. that is almost a quarter of the weight i had hoped on losing. my spirits are up. the hunger pains are like little whispers and i find that i am almost satisfied with my food. i've been doing a low carb kinda thing. i mean, it can in no way be called atkins because it's not carb free. i haven't had a soda the whole time :eek:
anyway, i'm just pleased.
yay tonksy! :hug:
i'm kind of doing that, too. i'm not watching carbs as much as sugar, i figure "no sugary crap" is a good way to put it.
i haven't drank a regular soda in weeks. sometimes i eat junk but it's usually only a little bit and cos i forgot my diet and stopped eating when i remembered.
i lost 10 lbs so far, and i feel good, because my system isn't logged with sugar as it was before (all my doctors were telling me i'd be diebetic before long).
My family has been starving for months.
Nothing like a 900 cal. a day food intake
To get one to ignore chow.
It is as if we all had our stomachs stapled
none of us can eat very much anymore

So once you look like a supermodel will
you update yer photo? Ya know something
along the lines of a modest Vicky's Secret
kinda thing?

Oh you is fully aware that exercise along with
a die-t will raise your basal metabolism, right?
Three cheers for tonksy!

BTW...I found that the best way to lose weight was a two-part system.

1. Eat less
2. Exercise

Hell...just eating smaller portions makes my body more svelt... ;)
Everyone assumes that Atkins is no carbs, which it isn't. Atkins teaches which carbs to eat when and with what foods. I was on it!

Since then, I've stopped eating carbs at night and have started working out. In a span of two weeks I lost 5 pounds by exercising and eating right.

I'm happy you're losing and feeling better Tonks! That's great and keep up the good work. Just remember to exercise as well!
kuulani said:
I'm eating less and exercising more too! Is there something in the water here?

Psst...It's called common sense. Don't tell any of those 'fad' dieters, either.

Ever hear of Tahitian Noni Juice?
Eat slightly less than your fill, reduce your carb intake and fat intake and make sure your excersize stays aerobic. Remember...if you can't breathe enough to talk while excersizing..your body's not getting enough oxygen and you're no longer burning're burning sugar.
MrBishop said:
Eat slightly less than your fill, reduce your carb intake and fat intake and make sure your excersize stays aerobic. Remember...if you can't breathe enough to talk wihle excersizing..your body's not getting enough oxygen and you're no longer burining're burning sugar.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. I'm trying to sell Tahitian Noni Juice here, and you just ruined millions of possible sales. *handonhip :bitchslap I could've been rich, and you had to come in here, with common sense, and good advice, and ruin my shtick. I think I'll sue you. Yeah, that's the ticket! I'll see you in court, you chess-playing Canadian!

:devious: :D
Gato_Solo said:
Ever hear of Tahitian Noni Juice?

I know exactly where in the store it is, too. I need another vacation.

I should start at least a small exercise program, maybe run around the block or something. I've gotten quite a workout this week though, had to take in 3 warehouse trucks over the last 4 days, handled over 1500 cases. My arms felt like noodles when I got home tonight. As for food, it's really hard to resist here, junk food is everywhere, and it's also hard to make anything at home when 95% of the kitchen doesn't work. I don't even have a freezer big enough for a pint of ice cream or trays of ice cubes (which are broken too, figures).
Hang in there, Tonksy, you can do it! :)

I'm at 160 lbs., down from 192ish in February.

My method: 1 meal a day (eating whatever I want), lots of Blue Bell ice cream, and plenty of exercise in the gardens and on the farm.

And a one-a-day vitamin tablet.

Edit: made the corrections that apparently caused the double-post.
I was at 246-249 when I started at Home Depot in early June. Now, I'm hovering around 230. It just involved a lot more calorie-burning day in and day out in the sun. I'm still no healthy eater.
i'm pretty proud of my self. i mean, i work in a waffle house and a pizza joint and i am sticking to a low carb thing. the pizza joint stocks cherry garcia too. what helps me there for my lunch is that they make breadless subs and slices by baking the other required ingredients in a ceramic dish. so far the meatball sub and the steak and cheese are the best.
at waffle house the low carb thing is a cinch. hell, half of clientele is on the diet. eggs, breakfast meats, steaks, chops, chicken breasts.
i almost find eating at home to be more tempting. i miss rob and i's pizza.
I was once a certified personal trainer (at age 17 I became one) and still did not understand the full complexities of diet world.

I figured out the reason for this. It was due to the LARGE amount of crap information around. Keep in mind that most the health magazines, diet supplement, diets, etc… aren’t based on true and tired things. There all based on money (I learned everything that goes on is based on money). What I mean is that there not going to teach you how to diet without (here is the key word again “money”) spending money.

Anyway, I finally figured out how to drop body fat without dieting. Its called the amount of food you eat. It was funny to have people ask how im losing weight eating fast food every day, the secret…… Amount of food in a daily period. Eat four small meals a day and workout and I promise you, you will lose weight. Best part is, it doesn’t matter what you eat, It could be donuts all dam day. (this wouldn’t necessary be heart healthy however you still will have Abs).
I've lost 5 kg's since I finally got round to buying me a discman. Nothing like taking walks, listening to a fast beat to help you keep your pace up. Also, I tend to pick the longer routes now that I have music with me.
Gato_Solo said:
BTW...I found that the best way to lose weight was a two-part system.

1. Eat less
2. Exercise

Hell...just eating smaller portions makes my body more svelt... ;)

Didya know there's a Canadian version of that?

1. Shut your fucking mouth.
2. Get off your fat ass.

Tell your wife that, and you'll both be in better shape before she stops trying to kill you.
tonksy said:
it's been a week. i've dropped 5 lbs. that is almost a quarter of the weight i had hoped on losing. my spirits are up. the hunger pains are like little whispers and i find that i am almost satisfied with my food. i've been doing a low carb kinda thing. i mean, it can in no way be called atkins because it's not carb free. i haven't had a soda the whole time :eek:
anyway, i'm just pleased.
Well done! :beerbang:

I started mine around January of this year. Lately I've been kinda cheating; I'm eating pizza regularly, and the occasional 2-3 bowls of ice cream in one sitting, then going to sleep. But it doesn't seem to be going back on, despite the frequent cheating on the diet. Must've been switching from sugary soda to sugar-free soda, for all the amount that I drank I must've been able to float down a very sweet Nile with the stuff.