My friend


New Member
I went to my friends funeral today

He died of throat cancer

I was ok through the funeral, and we had a wake for him, and I was ok ( had a bit to drink )

I came home - had a pizza for tea.

then I cried and cried.

Sorry, I just wanted to let this out.

That's ok, Karl.

We have to go through that at some point of ouv lifes, it is unavoidable....

Try not to make suffer your loved ones for the reason you're suffering right now.

There's always a lesson you learn, my father died of gastric cancer, even tough, he didn't smoke....but i felt that if i ever gonna die, i would not like to die of cancer, that's why that day was the last day i ever smoked, and i'm pretty sure that i will never smoke again.
Thank you my friends.

Gary ( my friend ) was my ex manager - when I was a youth - we remained friends throught a lot of year - and he had lot words of wisdome for me.

I could not belive that he was in the box in front of me.
A good friend of mine, told me once...."people die when you forget them".
a close friend died of a stroke last year, it took a long time for the shock to set in. the funeral was lovely, i helped fill the grave as the mourners sang gospel.

beautiful and sad, and not a day i will forget. and that's how death should be, not forgotten.
I'm very sorry to hear that karlwb. :(

Sorry to hear that Mitch. :(
I'm sorry guys. :( *hugs all around*

Sometimes it does help to remember them but in a positive way. You know you're making it through your sorrow when the happiness of having known someone and the good times you shared outweighs the grief you feel when they pass away.

I hope you get there soon and that you never forget. :)
Luis G,It's been just over 6 years since my grandfather died from lung cancer, which was due to heavy smoking. It had a great effect on my life, because since then, I've never been able to stay in a smoke-filled room for more than 5 minutes. It's even part of the reason why I don't get along with my stepfather, because he smokes on average 40 a day; it really annoys me because he's always complaining about being in debt, too. Damn fool :rolleyes:

Incidentally, I'll probably have to come to terms with my grandmother dying soon, too :( She's 70 on Wednesday, but she was rushed into hospital on Saturday for some reason (which I didn't know about), so i had to rush back home to Sheffield. Turns out she's got to go in for a heart operation: double bypass and double valve replacement. She's not really in the best of health in any case (diabetes), so I'm preparing for the worst... :(

She's been unbelievably good to me over the past few years, and I reckon that I'll only appreciate exactly how good she's been if she does die.

karlwb, on this note, let me offer my deepest condolences, mate. A tip for you though: surround yourself with family and friends - it'll make you realise even more how precious they are.

**just realised I'm sounding too much like Jerry Springer**

Take care of yourself... and each other :)

No words can adequately comfort those who are grieving, it's helpful that you feel comfortable enough here to talk about your pain.