My new hobby (of sorts)

Does anyone here play table tennis? Justin introduced me to it last year and now i can't play enough! My gym had an old board and now i've gotten a few fellows to come practice with me almost every weekend, i love it! :swing:
ping pong was fun. we found a table on the side of the raod and took it home. it was good times. good times.
We have one at work and every once in a while they take it out after most people have gone home and they play. I'm not very good at it but they're really good. My 'sport' is pool.
greenfreak said:
We have one at work and every once in a while they take it out after most people have gone home and they play. I'm not very good at it but they're really good. My 'sport' is pool.

Hmmm.... my sport is spectating... :D
greenfreak said:
We have one at work and every once in a while they take it out after most people have gone home and they play. I'm not very good at it but they're really good. My 'sport' is pool.

I love pool. Ever played All The Kings Men? Used to play it all the time....that and 9-ball.
Mirlyn said:
I love pool. Ever played All The Kings Men? Used to play it all the time....that and 9-ball.

We were plain janes, not interested in games really. What's All The Kings Men? We had a midsize pool table at the corps and spend our nights drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes and playing pool all night. My longest streak was 23 games undefeated in one night. I was tired. :)
greenfreak said:
We were plain janes, not interested in games really. What's All The Kings Men? We had a midsize pool table at the corps and spend our nights drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes and playing pool all night. My longest streak was 23 games undefeated in one night. I was tired. :)
:eek: Holy crap! We played maybe 10-15 games a night, and that was a long night!

All The Kings Men is where you line up the colors on each side of the table (all but one) and your job was to get your king, "the one," across the table and back before your oponent did. There were a couple of hitches, like you couldn't hit certain balls without hitting a certain one first, etc. There were a lot of rules, and you basically had to watch a game before you'd get it down pat. We played on a full-size table, anything smaller and the game was no fun.

I was no shark, but I held my own in 9-ball. :)
I used to be pretty decent at ping-pong (had a table growing up), but haven't played but perhaps once a year for many, many years. I tend to always give whoever I'm playing a good game now (no matter their skill level), but always lose by a few points. Pretty fun game.
The guys at work are brutal at ping pong, they even break a sweat. Ever see that scene in Forrest Gump where he's playing the Chinese guy? That's what it's like. If they could, they would make it a full contact sport. Men. :rolleyes: :laugh:

Mirlyn, the 23 games was just my streak, that wasn't the total in one night. I did lose in the end, to someone who had lost to me four times that night, but he had had more sleep than I did at that point :) As long as we didn't have any calls, we would play till the sun came up and then sleep when morning came. That was only on weekends though when we didn't have work the next morning.

All the King's Men sounds like fun to break up the monotony of 8 ball or 9 ball. We did have a silly game that I remember actually. We would put two balls on the edge of each pocket and then three balls as in a triangle on the sticker at one end. The object is to sink all the balls in the shortest amount of time. If you scratch, it's ball in hand and the last rule is that you don't have to wait for the cue to stop moving to hit it again. Sounds simple, right? Not really. The trick is to be methodical and calm about it. I think my record was 45 seconds. And if you hit the triangle of balls right, they'll split and sink the four balls at the edge of the corner pockets. It was fun to see people running around the table, getting frustrated because they couldn't sink that last ball. :D
Hey! we don't play ping pong! :D thats with silly board knockers at 10mph. Greg means rubber padded rackets and blazing spin and 90mph slams :headbang: And we do break a sweat, table tennis and ping pong are 2 different sports here :D
Ping pong has padded paddles too, what's the difference? Is it a table with a little net in the middle? A little white ball? You just like saying "table tennis" cus it sounds less :gay: