My poor kitty....


My favorite cat out of 6 (named Skittles) was killed today by a speeding motorist. Although he did not suffer it makes me very sad :(
Sorry to hear...I'm gonna pass on the :cocktail: 'cause I already had waaaaaaay too much tonight :eek:

Yes, that is right. I'm semi-drunk again.
Ouch :(

My cousin's cat died from the same fate, but she didn't die instantly. She got smacked in the side of the head by the tire and had crawled 30-40 feet into the yard before laying down and dying :(
hey nodnod hope your doing well. sorry about the kitty. i know how much a pet can mean to someone. tkae care. rock on. take solace in the fact he didnt suffer.(i wasnt trying to be mean so if you feel i was i apologise but wanted to try to make it easier.)