my ramblings


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd throw a few things out there:

I'm currently writing a 25 page paper on the international business scene in New Zealand. As you can tell, I'm clearly 100% devoted to doing it at this very minute. I've got three pages so far, and I'm already scratching the bottom of the box. Still got a few other links to check out, but I know I'm going to need more physical sources (journals).

I'm kinda tired. Had to be at work by 6:30 for a store meeting. Holidays--yay! Got my tentative schedule for the days after (fri, sat, sun): 5am-4pm, 6am-5-pm, 8am-7pm. Anyone else work black friday?

My room is cold and its driving me nuts. My power supply blew on my fileserver, which usually keeps it nice and toasty in here. But now that its down, so is my major heat source. I contemplated taking the laptop out into the living room and sitting by the fire composing this extraordinary paper, but then laughed. I'd just surf out there instead of in here. Just checked....its 71F in here.

I went to the library on campus to do the work, but they close at 7pm now. WTF? The library is open till 10 on sundays, but freakin 7 on saturdays? Thats some BS right there.

*checked the tracking number* Gosh, my power supply is here in town, but won't get delivered till Monday. That means no mp3s for a little while longer. The fire idea sounds better and better. I just might do that afterall.

Its cloudy here, so I can't see the eclipse. Sounded pretty cool though. Guess if it wasn't cloudy, I'd be out there with my camera instead of in here putting off my paper. Maybe its not so bad afterall.

The scanner is pretty active tonight. Lots of calls for police. Must be the moon phase. ;)

Well, Chicago - 25 Or 6 To 4 came on and I'm loving it. :dance: Maybe when this song is done I'll move out find a heat source.

Someone remind me to take my online exam by Monday.
Oh yeah, and my video card fan is failing. Fast.


go sit by the fire, you crazy if i had a fireplace i'd grow roots in front of it.
unclehobart said:
Be sure to use the Economist and the Far East Asian Economic Review as sources in some way. They're good.
*makes note*
I have a list to be looked at as soon as I get off work tomorrow. The Economist is already on there, but the Review is not. Thanks. :)
More ramblings:

I took Laurie bowling tonight. On the way to the bowling alley, she was talking an awful lot of pregame trash. I told her I prefer to prove myself on the field instead of with my words. The first game, she got somewhere in the mid-60s and I got in the mid-80s. Then, the second game, she got 55 and I got 169. If that's not the best game I've ever bowled, it's close.

Once again, I prefer action to words. :D
*my ramblings*
cartoons sure are lame now...just toilet smarts at all... (except for Spongebob of course...that's just coming on now)

Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea?! :D

my house is a disaster, my "husband" is coming to see the kids today...the day looks bleak.
and there's STILL effing snow all over the place out there! :grumpy:

*heads off to grab the little blue pill*
*hates snow*

*read in paper this morning that winter this year is going to be wetter than normal*

*video card just died on this machine*

Happy Sunday.

Why do my parents always stuff me when I come to visit? I was there for three and a half hours today and the gave me pepperoni & provolone with crackers, lasagne, italian bread, cake and coffee. And then on the way home I call Rusty to see if he wants anything and of course he does--ice cream.

And why does my boyfriend always crave ice cream on the coldest days?

I only look forward to work when I have something personal I bought online coming in for delivery. Tomorrow's delivery is my "grow light" setup for my orchids.

I know if I don't catch the shipment before this other (*&^&*^ does that works there, she's gonna complain and say there are too many personal deliveries coming in.

Rusty and I picked the Chiefs and the Rams in my work's suicide pool. We have two of only 7 accounts left from the original 40+ people. The Chiefs already won so keep your fingers crossed for the Rams to win tonight. I stand to win over $2000. if we make it to the end.
Leslie said:
Who lives in a Pineapple under the sea?! :D


I always watch when I catch that too. I really like the humor. And his laugh. :)

Hey Marilyn, did you take your exam yet? You've only got a few hours man. Good luck on it!
greenfreak said:
Hey Mirlyn, did you take your exam yet? You've only got a few hours man. Good luck on it!
:p nah, got until 10pm to take it. I'll do it after I hand this paper in. ;)

As for my video card, I came home from work an hour ago or so and turned on my computer and what do you works now. Dunno what it was, but it was giving me the beeps and everything this morning....wierd

I've got a to-do list on a sticky note stuck to my monitor. Create the presentation for this paper, another paper in this class over a guest lecturer last week, that decision sciences exam by monday night, a short paper on management theory for my monday night class, and build a few sample servers for my MIS project before Wednesday. I've already decided when I get out of class on Friday, I'm going to party. Hard. :D I'll need it as I'm sooooo incredibly burnt out right now.

I'm hungry for pizza. Wonder how late they deliver on sundays....