my ramblings

I had pizza for him to order it so as to avoid having to cook for him as he seemed to expect :retard:

it was good he was here, the little guy developed an ear infection :( so i'm off now to take him to bed with mommy.

nite all
Leslie said:
I had pizza for him to order it so as to avoid having to cook for him as he seemed to expect :retard:

it was good he was here, the little guy developed an ear infection :( so i'm off now to take him to bed with mommy.

nite all
yummy.....everything's probably closed around here now though. :( Shouldnt've waited, I suppose.

Sorry to hear about his ear, hope its a short-bug. :)
You can get pizza around here til ridiculous hours...same with Pitas...

hmmmm *thinks what she has to do this week*

Lab due Tuesday morning by 9:30am, assignment due Thursday by 5:00 pm (both already handed in :D)

Presentation on Wednesday at 8:30am worth 12% on a paper I handed in last week worth 25%...already put together just have to rehearse...almost lost it though...I'll post that in another thread...

Then there's the tests...test in Electrodynamics Tuesday at 9:30am (15%), gotta study for that tonight...shouldn't be to bad, test in dynamics (ie. motion) Wednesday at 5:00pm(20%)...almost done studying for that...test at 7:00pm on Thursday in Statics (20%) I know NOTHING for that one yet...
i find that i really detest the presence of a significant portion of my class. that makes it hard since this is a lab class, i can't hunker down and pretend they aren't there.

i don't really have any significant homework, while the switch from the university to a tech school has gotten me into the subject i want, i find that i'm usually understimulated by the whole thing. having this stupid laptop to play with doesn't help my attention span either.

and speaking of laptops in schools. there was a plan in in one of the MN school districts to give every middle-schooler (jr. high) an internet connected laptop. thankfully the proposal got shot down, which is what they should have done with whoever came up with the idea. i can't believe that anyone would honestly think teenagers will be more productive with a computer in front of them. for god's sake, adults can't even pay attention. stupid fucking people.

and another thing about laptops and middle-schoolers. i dropped by my former middle school recently and every study desk now has an iBook. aside from the abovementioned problem associated with giving computers to teenagers. why the hell do you spend the extra money for a slower machine (laptop versus desktop) that is a lot easier for a 14 year old to slip in his backpack?

i could really ramble all day. in fact, i might start ranting again once i get to my next class.
wtf is with kids? He conks out on the couch (*loves children's tylenol*) so I clean, I vacuum, I have music on, I have a bath, run the blow dryer, etc. All that noise and he sleeps through it. I finally decide to take some me time, I grab the Tostitos bag, take out ONE CHIP, take a bite, crunch, and he wakes up :retard: it's like pavlov's dog or summat!

Went to see my mom this weekend, she's still as looney as ever. Wonder when she'll decide to grow up some? Met my nephew finally, he's all of three months old, cute, and smiles alot, other than that, not very entertaining.

Familly is going pretty well. Got two girls home with me today, had three sick, but the oldest swore she had to go to school. Might have something to do with the fact that if she stays home today, she stays home tonight. Don't fuck with a high schoolers social life, ya know?

Finally got into the 21st century Friday, went out to Walmart and bought a combo DVD/VCR. Couldn't see just packing up the 200+ videos we have in the cabinet. Seems to work pretty good, although we haven't used the VCR portion yet.

My dogs are annoying the hell out of me. Found a puppy on the side of the highway the other day, just about took it home when the owner came running down his driveway screaming thank you. :eh: I like puppies too much, just wish they didn't turn into dogs eventually.

How stupid do you have to be to leave a dog in the back of a pickup truck? Or to leave the window open all the way with the front half of the dog hanging out? These are people who don't think. "My dog would never jump out of the car." Really? I guess you practice mind control with animals? And what's going to happen to your dog if you rear end the car in front of you? Or someone hits you?

Irresponsible dog owners make me mad. :mad:

My hands smell like Sweet Peas.

Why does my family think, since I garden and most of my stuff turns out nice, that I'll willingly design and furnish their garden? For free?

Why are Mondays the looooooongest days of the week?
*recently learned fact of life* families suck...

and the sweetpeas thing is just odd :alienhuh:
I've known my family sucks for a long time... Just finally realized no matter what I'm stuck with them a few years back. :)

My hands smell like sweet peas because I took a trip to B&BW last week. :D
i wonder about public transportation. we have none here but when i lived in virginia i hoped a bus to anywhere. what's it like in other places i wonder...maybe it's just the south that has crappy public transportation...hmmm...
public transportation sucks around here too. they'd rather spend billions of dollars redoing a highway then making a clean and efficient public transport system.
Rusty always raves about Boston's "T". How much cleaner, cheaper and easier it is than NYC. I tend to agree with him. Transportation on Long Island though is sketchy. You can take a train almost from one end to the other but there are no north/south trains and buses aren't so great either.
I guess if you take my daily commute, that would be a good indication of the south--north driving distance. If you take a look at this map, down on the left hand corner find Long Beach. That's where I live. Then if you look up north on the railroad, I drive almost to where it says Syosset. The distance between the two at 7am in the morning (not much traffic) takes 45 minutes.

You just can't live on Long Island and not drive if you want to get anywhere. The map doesn't look too big but it is when you have to drive it. :D

Tonks, are you talking about New York City? It really depends what you're looking for and how much money you have. I live in a small beachside community that has it's own police force, safe area and I rent the bottom floor of a house. I have a driveway (essential when you live so close to the beach), 11x17 living room, 11x13 main bedroom, smaller 2nd bedroom (office), private entrance, corner house/yard, and we have heat and hot water included. We pay $1500. a month. And that is a STEAL, let me tell you. The rents in this area for what we have go for $1800. easily. In Manhattan, it's impossible to get a decent one bedroom in a good area for the same amount of money. Studio apartments start at $1500.

But you probably get paid more here than you would elsewhere. Especially in NYC and sometimes they pay your travel expenses which could amount to $1000. to $2000. a year depending on where you're coming from. Jobs are extremely scarce right now and the ones that are out there aren't that great.
rrfield said:
Any self-respecting college town will have pizza delivery until 3am every night

We aren't self-respecting nor a college town. They say we have the "metropolitan advantage." I say its bullshit. Everything is pretty much shut down by 1am at the latest. We have Godfathers, PHut, and PJohns. No other place delivers. Wish we had more mom-and-pop type shops.
Nixy said:
Mom and Pop type shops wouldn't be open late...
Yeah, but at least we'd have some diversity during the day. Commercial joints are ok, but nothing, I mean nothing beats the traditional restraunt style pizza. Day or Night. If we had more of those types, I'd have my pizza late; I'd always have leftovers in the fridge. ;)