my summer guests

Beats me. I was 7 at the time.

The 2 in my Aquababies microtank are doing well tho. The snail is getting huge.
greenfreak said:
I actually used to freeze my goldfish if I knew they were going to die. It's the most humane way of killing them before you flush 'em. The hard part is getting the block of ice down the toilet.

:rofl2: GF that is probably the most twisted, unnerving, awesomely funny thing I have ever heard! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Aunty Em said:
greenfreak said:
I was a sap about my fish, I got really upset if they got sick and died.

Yeah... We had regular "burials at sea" (down the loo) when I was a kid. :D

When I say I was a sap about my fish, I wasn't a kid. I was 26. :laugh:

Prof, I don't know if I told you but watch out for that snail. I had one for a long time too and it started having baby snails all over the place. They can infest a tank in a short amount of time.

drkavenger, if you like that, listen to this one... After I gave up on the goldfish, I started keeping bettas. I got some bad information about them being able to eat the roots of plants (not true) and killed almost all of them because I didn't feed them enough. I had one left, and his name was Mercury.

About the time that Rusty and I decided to move in together, I was travelling a lot for work and I wasn't home for 5 days at a time. I didn't want to lose my last betta so I drove with him to Rusty's place which was an hour and a half drive one way. He took care of him for weeks till it was time for us to move in to our new place.

The day we moved in, we drove Mercury with all the furniture from Rusty's place to the new place. We put him on the kitchen counter while we moved everything in. I put Mercury in this green bowl that a friend of mine had given me as a house-warming present and cleaned out his fish bowl. I put some fresh spring water out to warm up (and to evaporate some of the chlorine) and we went out to lunch. When we came back, Mercury was gone.

Now, bettas sometimes have a habit of jumping but Mercury never did that. Never. But still, we looked everywhere, on the counter, between the stove and the counter, on the floor, behind the microwave and in the sink. Mercury was too big to go down the drain because we had one of those slotted drains. We've been here 2 years and we never found him.

I was upset, to say the least. This thing got carted to and fro so many times, I took such good care of him and he was my last one. Finally we gave up and I washed the bowl. And I turned it over to wash the back and saw a sticker that said, "DO NOT USE BOWL FOR FOOD. BOWL MADE WITH POISONOUS GLAZE." Then I realized. Mercury jumped because I freakin POISONED him. :crying6:

That was my last fish. Now I just stick to plants. :D
Yeah, I had an Oscar that moved out once. Never did find him either. Didn't have cats at the time, so they didn't eat it, the fish tank was a good ten feet from the closest door or window, I had the tank sitting diagonally in a corner, figured the fish jumped out and got behind, but didn't find him back there either. Pretty decent sized fish too, probably about 2 1/2 to 3" long.
You think they would smell after a while of being out of the water too, right? I kept smelling around the kitchen for a while, looking for him. :shrug:

Aunty, yes, more than once, I've been called a fish killer. I swear though, I was a freakin nutcase about them and the water quality and medication if they got sick, the ph and temperature of the water... Goldfish just aren't my thing I guess.

I'm keeping my tank though and when we get a house, it's going back up with maybe some clown loaches. I always liked those. :)
I keep thinking about getting a tank but I suspect my cat would have any fish I might care to keep...
GF dont feel bad.... My mom loves keeping fish and other types of little creatures in the tank (ie. crabs, snails, leeches, anything that could make it look more creative) well she has a 35 gallon tank and we put little crabs in there but they kept killing the fish :eek: as about a month went by we couldn't find the crabs.. we looked all over and figured maybe they died and got buried in the rocks. Well to make a long story short no one told us that crabs could climb vertical glass and we found them or should I say the shells that were once them on the floor about 10 feet from the aquarium under the couch.... Funniest thing I had ever seen and no smell either!
:rofl: That's great! I thought you were going to tell me that you couldn't decide what you wanted for dinner one night so you sacrificed them. :laugh: