My summer vacation from reality....

Glad to hear it Mark.

C'mon Prof. Doncha know there's nothing you can do? They're gonna try it whether you object or not so you may as well let them do it. Hell, let 'em do it at home. At least there, you'll know where they are & can control the situation.

Jeez, your society must be really fucked up if you are so sure that every person will try drugs.
Jeez, your society must be really fucked up if you are so sure that every person will try drugs.

They won't really, Luis. Gotta justify all that money spent on the "war" on drugs though. Actually, they were all legal at one time and the per capita incedence of use wasn't any higher than it is now, but we're not supposed to know or talk about that. :shrug:
Personally, I think kids try it to see what the fuss is all about. I am trying to master the seeming attitude that drugs are for stupid people and that they make you ugly and get you sent to jail with no internet access/on demand cable whenever you want it. I figure that hits my girls where it hurts most and will hopefully deter them.
99% of whom have drug issues...

And still will. That doesn't mean everyone that doesn't take drugs now will immediately go out and become drug fiends if they were decriminalized but that's what the powers that be seem to want you to believe.
Falling off a 20 floor building doesn't mean you're gonna die on arrival at the ground level either ... but if I had to place a bet ......
yeah i think the chances of successful causal/moderate drug use are a little higher than living through a 20 story fall... not that i'd know...
Jeez, your society must be really fucked up if you are so sure that every person will try drugs.

That is the argument we hear every time we try to disuade anyone from doing anything. Bish is a propent & practitioner of that thinking.
yeah i think the chances of successful causal/moderate drug use are a little higher than living through a 20 story fall... not that i'd know...

True, although, if you fudge the numbers like some folk here enjoy doing, you can make them say that, of the people offered each choice, more people will successfully fuck themselves up with drugs than will from a 20 story fall.

for example, ... pulling numbers outta my ass, but it's only for the example. Say 1000 people go to the roof of a 20 story building during the course of a year. What would you say would be the odds that anyone of that 1000 jumped to their fate? a tenth of a percent, perhaps? Certainly, the instant someone did, measures would be put in place to ensure it never happened again, wouldn't they? Roof access limited, elevated barriers around the roof, that sort of thing.

Now, take 1000 casual drug users. I'll leave it for you to fill in the percents that would ruin either their own, or someone else's life because of it. But, should even one person in that thousand do so .... wouldn't you say that measures similar to those imposed on the roof sould be applied?

Enjoy your weekend. I look forward to seeing what you folk do with this.
True, although, if you fudge the numbers like some folk here enjoy doing, you can make them say that, of the people offered each choice, more people will successfully fuck themselves up with drugs than will from a 20 story fall.

for example, ... pulling numbers outta my ass, but it's only for the example. Say 1000 people go to the roof of a 20 story building during the course of a year. What would you say would be the odds that anyone of that 1000 jumped to their fate? a tenth of a percent, perhaps? Certainly, the instant someone did, measures would be put in place to ensure it never happened again, wouldn't they? Roof access limited, elevated barriers around the roof, that sort of thing.

Now, take 1000 casual drug users. I'll leave it for you to fill in the percents that would ruin either their own, or someone else's life because of it. But, should even one person in that thousand do so .... wouldn't you say that measures similar to those imposed on the roof sould be applied?

Enjoy your weekend. I look forward to seeing what you folk do with this.

i s'pose i'll respond to this more fully when sober....

but, at the end of the story... i don't want those that can't handle it fuckin' up my good time. maybe it's just the libertarian in me speakin', but....

if it wasn't drugs exactly, it'd be TV dominating their lives.... and that ain't my problem. it't thars...
True, although, if you fudge the numbers like some folk here enjoy doing, you can make them say that, of the people offered each choice, more people will successfully fuck themselves up with drugs than will from a 20 story fall.

for example, ... pulling numbers outta my ass, but it's only for the example. Say 1000 people go to the roof of a 20 story building during the course of a year. What would you say would be the odds that anyone of that 1000 jumped to their fate? a tenth of a percent, perhaps? Certainly, the instant someone did, measures would be put in place to ensure it never happened again, wouldn't they? Roof access limited, elevated barriers around the roof, that sort of thing.

Now, take 1000 casual drug users. I'll leave it for you to fill in the percents that would ruin either their own, or someone else's life because of it. But, should even one person in that thousand do so .... wouldn't you say that measures similar to those imposed on the roof sould be applied?

Enjoy your weekend. I look forward to seeing what you folk do with this.

It's darwin, let the problem solve itself ;)
And still will. That doesn't mean everyone that doesn't take drugs now will immediately go out and become drug fiends if they were decriminalized but that's what the powers that be seem to want you to believe.

True enough. But I see enough cause and effect every day that I know better than to deem it harmless.

But, to paraphrase...Do as thou wilt; so mete it be. At least I have job security when so many people are out and about burning up their harmless widdle plants.