My summer vacation from reality....

I found this on a website and this is a woman I know and have done meth with:


Working on 9 months clean now.....Thank GOD!
I'll have to remember that, Luis.
The picture worked well for their age and mindset as appearance is important to them currently and can't concieve of the greater ramifications of drug abuse.
The last time I was with Sereena (outside of buying meth a few times after) she was completely out of her mind. I was driving a car of hers so she could sell it. Her licesnse was revoked. She spent the entire 3 hour drive freaking out and seeing imaginary cops and repo men and all manor of imaginary threats. I was lucky to never get paranoid in such a way, but yes she was suffering a fate worse than death. The unfortunate thing is that Sereena is a good person beneath the meth. It's truly sad, but nobody can help her but her. If you are of a mind, please say a prayer for her....For her and the children she has lost to this terrible affliction.
Sereena is a good person beneath the meth

Aren't they all? Even kiddie rapists are good people when they aren't brutalizing children. I hear Jefery Dahmaer was a hoot when he wasn't hungry.
Aren't they all? Even kiddie rapists are good people when they aren't brutalizing children. I hear Jefery Dahmaer was a hoot when he wasn't hungry.

Not even the same ballpark man. People with an addiction do things under the influence for the drug that they'd never do normally. Kiddie rapists and serial killers do what they do because they wan't to. While anything Sereena does, Serena is, and should be held accountable for, it's not even close to the same thing.
Not even the same ballpark man. People with an addiction do things under the influence for the drug that they'd never do normally. Kiddie rapists and serial killers do what they do because they wan't to. While anything Sereena does, Serena is, and should be held accountable for, it's not even close to the same thing.

true that, in Many cases, but not 100%.
I've seen all too often, and I have seen the paranoia too, sometimes
even weeks after ending usage.
That Ice out now is some severally messed up stuff.
The meth we are talking about is "ice" Little clearish translucent shards.....That's methamphetamine hydrocloride. It's mostly made in large factories in Mexico, then smuggled across the border.
Kiddie rapists and serial killers do what they do because they want to.

Addicts do things they want to too.

I've been around drug users my whole life. Have no use for them. Have no sympathy. It's a choice. For them and for me.