My Sunday...

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I would normally feel the need to share how delightfully great my life is at the moment and how things are seemingly "on the up" job and relationship wise with you guys...

But you're all really not worth it... and I find that sad... so very sad!
My Sunday.......It was ok, spent it with some friends for dinner and the boyz had a great time playing..... :D
ClaireBear said:
I would normally feel the need to share how delightfully great my life is at the moment and how things are seemingly "on the up" job and relationship wise with you guys...

But you're all really not worth it... and I find that sad... so very sad!
I always gave you the benefit of the doubt through all of your trials and tribulations... until now. You claim how childish, retarted, and sad the whole lot of us are when it is perhaps 6 people out of the 30 that are here giving you grief. That is insulting. Then you return with this snotty 'holier than thou attitude', look down your nose at us, and tell us what you claim we are not worthy to hear. If you think you are not welcome and you also think that we are also unworthy children... why bother posting it at all? Do you think we will come running back to you with our arms open begging for forgiveness while your spittle still freshly runs down our cheek? I think an equally cold shoulder shall be my response. I for one was neutral on your presence and did not go out of my way to give you grief. I... we... have been repayed with group condemnation. Go be a boor elsewhere. Sod off. *dismissive wave*
Sorry you feel that way... but it really is how I feel...if you feel that way... then :shrug: so be it!

But I'd like to see how you or any other of us would react under the same treatment... I make a polite request and all I get is bad mouthed and ridiculed... the only person who actually respected me in the threads was Spirit!

I feel alone, insulted and totally ashamed to think I opened myself up to so many of you and this is what I get in return!
It seems to me that if you are truly irked by something, you should avoid it. It's incredibly easy not to post on a message board. Just don't log on. :alienhuh:
Claire has a simple problem. She can't post at Mirlyn's site from work. That's why she's still here. Although, since her admins are probably logging her access here .... I dunno, but if I knew that the admins were blocking sites, and I wanted to keep my job, I wouldn't be posting from work, that's for sure. I sure as hell wouldn't be pissing around with the administrators of a site either.
Boo fucking hoo.

I noticed another thread elsewhere where you called someone "very mature" and added this little guy --> :rolleyes:

If the shoe fits...
Professur said:
Claire has a simple problem. She can't post at Mirlyn's site from work. That's why she's still here.

I actually enjoy posting here... in the main I thought I'd made some really good mates here... obviously I was wrong! Please don't answer for me John!

Although, since her admins are probably logging her access here .... I dunno, but if I knew that the admins were blocking sites, and I wanted to keep my job, I wouldn't be posting from work, that's for sure. I sure as hell wouldn't be pissing around with the administrators of a site either.

I shall no longer be working here (or at all!) as of April 22nd...

Not that any of you shall care... probably blessed relief for a lot of you!
I wasn't answering for you, Claire. I was stating a fact. In fact, I was replying to Abooja's post. And as I read it, her post is not even a question.

And Claire, I sure you did make friends. I've tried to be your friend. Took you off the iggy list. Started replying to you. But honestly, most of your posts make me think I'm talking to someone with a bipolar disorder.
Professur said:
I wasn't answering for you, Claire. I was stating a fact. In fact, I was replying to Abooja's post. And as I read it, her post is not even a question.

And Claire, I sure you did make friends. I've tried to be your friend. Took you off the iggy list. Started replying to you. But honestly, most of your posts make me think I'm talking to someone with a bipolar disorder.

I am a bipolar depressive John!
Leslie said:
So realize that, and stop taking it out on those around you. Get a grip.

Get a grip!

Wow! Thanks Leslie... years of counselling, meds and trauma... when really I just needed to get a grip!
You're not the only one with *problems* here, Claire. The thing is, the rest don't try and bring everyone else down to their level. If you can't get control of yourself, leave other people alone until you can.
Professur said:
It shows, Claire. And you need to deal with it before you come here and act like the board owes you something.

The board owes me nothing... I was kinda hoping the people who post here would help and support me.... :shrug:

I didn't wanna go a shouting about it when I first landed cos people treat you differently... haven't even told the few people I PM regularly...

I'm very much ashamed of not being able to "get a grip"
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