My Sunday...

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ClaireBear said:
The board owes me nothing... I was kinda hoping the people who post here would help and support me.... :shrug:

I didn't wanna go a shouting about it when I first landed cos people treat you differently... haven't even told the few people I PM regularly...

I'm very much ashamed of not being able to "get a grip"

Being ashamed changed nothing. You need to change something. Change it, and you might find that people will treat you different. Don't bank on it. Some of us have very long memories. Ask fury sometime about my opinion of the Bomb Shelter.

As it is, most of the people you're thinking of as friends are only cheering you on.
Professur said:
Being ashamed changed nothing. You need to change something. Change it, and you might find that people will treat you different. Don't bank on it. Some of us have very long memories. Ask fury sometime about my opinion of the Bomb Shelter.

As it is, most of the people you're thinking of as friends are only cheering you on.

Thanks that really helps....
If I understand the situation correctly...

I say someting you think is an insult, but it's not, you get pissed. You say something that will elicit a number of smartass remarks, and does, you get pissed. You say something that is insulting tho the rest of us, we get pissed & you don't see a problem?

Maybe I need the meds.
Winky said:
OK i'm DYING to know

what happens after the 22nd?

My temporary contract comes to an end and they won't be re-newing due to buget concerns... :shrug:

Me and the rest of the casual staff are getting the heave-ho... :mope:
Gonz said:
If I understand the situation correctly...

I say someting you think is an insult, but it's not, you get pissed. You say something that will elicit a number of smartass remarks, and does, you get pissed. You say something that is insulting tho the rest of us, we get pissed & you don't see a problem?

Maybe I need the meds.

No... its not like that... thats not what I mean... :mope:
Professur said:
Perhaps it's not what you mean. But it's exactly what you type.

Am I really that difficult to understand?

I tend to think long and hard about what I post due to my slight dyslexia... often stuff isn't written as I mean it to be or in a way thats easy to understand. I've tried hard.

Guess I need to think that little bit longer and harder. :mope:
I've pretty much kept my mouth shut with your recent threads Claire but do not pull this bullshit that you have a "slight" case of dyslexia. Did you self-diagnose or were you actually tested? I've got news for you. When you spell the same words bad consistantly, that is NOT dyslexia. And it doesn't affect your ability to compose a sentence or a paragraph either.

So do me a favor, stop with the lame attempts at getting people to feel bad for you when you claim learning disabilities. It's a slap in the face to intelligent people who actually do have these disabilities and don't use it as an excuse.

And one more thing. If your problem with the whole "fuck" situation was solely with leslie, send her a fucking PM.
unclehobart said:
I always gave you the benefit of the doubt through all of your trials and tribulations... until now. You claim how childish, retarted, and sad the whole lot of us are when it is perhaps 6 people out of the 30 that are here giving you grief. That is insulting. Then you return with this snotty 'holier than thou attitude', look down your nose at us, and tell us what you claim we are not worthy to hear. If you think you are not welcome and you also think that we are also unworthy children... why bother posting it at all? Do you think we will come running back to you with our arms open begging for forgiveness while your spittle still freshly runs down our cheek? I think an equally cold shoulder shall be my response. I for one was neutral on your presence and did not go out of my way to give you grief. I... we... have been repayed with group condemnation. Go be a boor elsewhere. Sod off. *dismissive wave*
Ditto. Except instead of Sod off, Fuck off. Just cause you appreciate it so.
Did you finally get some dick? Good, maybe that will clear your mind and the bullshit will stop.
greenfreak said:
Did you self-diagnose or were you actually tested? I've got news for you.

An English lecturer at University suggested that my written performance would lend itself to a literary problem such as dyslexia which due to misdiagnosis I have consistantly struggled with all my school life... I wasn't tested as its never really held me back (made top ability set classes and got grade A's in most subjects) and at 19 she thought it would hardly be worth it.

So I'm going from a professional's untested opinion... if that offends you... then I apologise.
unclehobart in Gonz's Tank Grrl thread said:
Everyone gets picked on sooner or later. Its just a matter of how you suck it up and deal with it.

And people wonder where I get the persecution complex from...

*CB looks over shoulder checking for hatchets*
ClaireBear said:
An English lecturer at University suggested that my written performance would lend itself to a literary problem such as dyslexia
Literary problem? WTF is a literary problem? It's a learning disability.

which due to misdiagnosis I have consistantly struggled with all my school life
Misdiagnosis? So someone diagnosed that you did not have dyslexia?

I wasn't tested as its never really held me back
Only until you want to use it as an excuse that is?

and at 19 she thought it would hardly be worth it.
That is some great teacher! She tells you she thinks you have a learning disability but you are not worth the time to find out for sure and learn how to deal with it. At the beginning of your college career.

Either you're making this up or this teacher should not be teaching, much less telling people they have learning disabilities.

So I'm going from a professional's untested opinion... if that offends you... then I apologise.
Being a teacher does not automatically make you a professional on diagnosing dyslexia. Until you get professionally tested and have a diagnosis from a qualified professional in your hand, stop calling yourself a dyslexic. It's insulting.

And people wonder where I get the persecution complex from...
I, personally, don't wonder. It's your own imagination and need to blame others for your own mistakes. You made your bed, now lie in it. At least if you owned up to ANYTHING, you could save some face. But you seem only willing to point fingers at everyone else.

Like leslie has said before, you should quit digging yourself a hole. Quit while you're behind.
greenfreak said:
I, personally, don't wonder. It's your own imagination and need to blame others for your own mistakes. You made your bed, now lie in it. At least if you owned up to ANYTHING, you could save some face. But you seem only willing to point fingers at everyone else.

Like leslie has said before, you should quit digging yourself a hole. Quit while you're behind.

GF... you were so nice... what happened? :confused:

I'm only repeating what I've been told... :shrug: If that upsets you then I'm sorry... but you're only shooting the messenger...
ClaireBear said:
GF... you were so nice... what happened? :confused:
Are you really that clueless? Or do you just refuse to believe that anything is your fault? Or are you doing all of this - everything - for your own enjoyment?

It's all you Claire. The sooner you realize that, the better.

I'm only repeating what I've been told... :shrug: If that upsets you then I'm sorry... but you're only shooting the messenger...
STOP repeating what you've been told until you know it to be true. That is my point. If I told you you had AIDS, would you tell everyone it was true because I told you?
greenfreak said:
Are you really that clueless? Or do you just refuse to believe that anything is your fault? Or are you doing all of this - everything - for your own enjoyment?

Have I said something to deliberately offend you or upset you? :confused:

I don't see how I could have invoked such a response from you... I was only saying what I've been told... from someone I respected and respected their opinion... I thought it was valid I honestly did...

It's all you Claire. The sooner you realize that, the better.

I'm beginning to get that impression
I was a Paramedic for 7 years. I am telling you that you have tuberculosis. Are you going to tell everyone that now?

So do all dyslexics all over the world a favor. Stop claiming you are one. And if it's that important to you to be a dyslexic, go to a doctor and get tested.
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