My trip to Georgia...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Greetings from Robins AFB somewhere near Macon, GA. I've been here, at the NCO academy, for about 2 weeks. The classes are 'fun', but getting here was an adventure...I'll explain.

My Audi and I left on this 4-hour trip at around 5 at night. I'm tooling along at a brisk pace of 60 MPH, when I hear a rather strange sound, followed by the smell of burning rubber. I pull to the side of the road, and discovered that my alternator belt had broken. I open the trunk, take out the spare belt I keep...for just such an emergency...replace it, and go about my merry way. It's now getting dark, but the car is running great...until I reach the junction of 17 and I-95. Belt number 2 goes south. Sheared. I mumble to myself about my stupidity, and my forgetting about 'shimming', and call the fiancee. She drives out (2 hours), with a new belt. I shim the alternator, replace the belt, and I take off, once more, into the night. It's now about 10:00 at night. I stop off at a gas station, get some coffee (I'd been up since 5:30 that morning), and head back out onto I-95. I'll make this short, and say that I'll never buy cheap gasoline again. I get, maybe, 1/4 mile past the exit, and the Audi starts bucking. My first thought is "This sounds expensive", and I pull to the side of the interstate. I wait a bit, restart the car, and make my way about 1/2 mile, when it starts to buck yet again. For some strange reason I'm grinning...mostly because I'm sure the fuel pump is okay, and I'm just dealing with, crossing fingers, sediment and a clogged filter. About an hour later I pull into another gas station, buy 2 bottles of STP fuel injector cleaner, dump those into the tank, and start making my way back to the good. Now...I'm about 130 miles from home...late at night...on the interstate. No problem. I call the fiancee, then call AAA for a tow. It's only 12:30 AM, and I'll still have plenty of time to get to my class. 3 hours later, my fiancee arrives. I'm still waiting for the tow truck. I call again...24 hour service my ass...and I wait for another hour. Now I'm running on caffein and nicotine. The truck pulls up around DAWN, and I have the lovely option of having my car towed to the local shop for $150, or towed back home, and placed back in somebody trustworthy's hands for $250.00 No problem. I took out a $300.00 advance. Go figure. I am now officially late, but, planning ahead, I had already called, and let them know about my car. I finally pull into the academy parking lot at 11:00...just in time for lunch. :rolleyes: I check in with the folks in charge, get a room, and have just enough time to get into a proper uniform to join my class at noon. Did I mention that there's no sleeping allowed in this classroom setting. I had to stand...for 3 hours with 15 minute breaks on the hour...with no coffee, and no smoking during duty hours. Then came the test. I remember taking it, and I remember snickering coming from the direction of the instructor. I had learned something I never knew about the human actually can fall asleep standing up. I caught myself keeling over. Anyway...I'm having a wonderful time since the first day, but the weekends here...without a vehicle...are dull. Anybody want a beer?
Damn... just damn. Too bad you didn't have one of our numbers over here as we might have been able to at least get you to your destination or something.

I think you have just proven that luck can run in waves like earthquakes with aftershocks. It sounds like you just hit a 5.0 or so.

Your story also goes to show what I mentioned in the gas thread about 'sweated' gas.

When are supposed to pull out and head for home? ...or are you already there?
Youch! Sounds like quite the trip!

I learned about falling asleep standing up during my basic training. Wakey Wakey was at 0530 followed by room & kit inspections at 0600. We would usually be standing at ease next to our racks for about 45-1 hour while our instructors went room to room. My rack was closest to the door, so it was my job to bring our room to attention when the instructor entered the room.

One day a Master Corporal entered the room while I just stood there with my eyes closed. Not good.

I fell asleep on the parade square in 35-40c Ontario heat also. The funny thing is that I wouldn't even realize my eyes were closed until I heard some yelling.
Sorry to hear that Gato. Isn't it amazing how shit like that happens in bunches?
I find me a place in a box car, so I take my guitar to pass some time
Late at night when it's hard to rest I hold your picture to my chest
and I feel fine
But it's a rainy night in Georgia, baby, it's a rainy night in Georgia I feel it's rainin' all over the world,
K62 said:
Youch! Sounds like quite the trip!

I learned about falling asleep standing up during my basic training. Wakey Wakey was at 0530 followed by room & kit inspections at 0600. We would usually be standing at ease next to our racks for about 45-1 hour while our instructors went room to room. My rack was closest to the door, so it was my job to bring our room to attention when the instructor entered the room.

One day a Master Corporal entered the room while I just stood there with my eyes closed. Not good.

I fell asleep on the parade square in 35-40c Ontario heat also. The funny thing is that I wouldn't even realize my eyes were closed until I heard some yelling.

It's called "the Blinks". If you think they're fun at parade rest, you should try them at 70 mph.
I have to admit that the first time I saw the title of this thread I thought that Gato was going to recount a story of some run-in with a cracker sheriff and a banjo playing posse.
The State Patrols are pretty well trained, and disciplined here.
It's the city cops that are assholes sometimes.
The county police are about 1/4 ass.
Professur said:
That's exactly my worry. I'll be out of season. The single gnu outta the herd.
aw yes, ripe pickings! actually the cops are too busy with the teenagers and all the drunks along the chattahoochee in the summertime.