N. Korea missile aimed at area off Hawaii - report


New Member
Wonder if the "failure" was caused by any outside influences...

TOKYO (Reuters) - A North Korean missile launched on Wednesday was aimed at an area of the ocean close to Hawaii, a Japanese newspaper reported on Friday.

Experts estimated the Taepodong-2 ballistic missile to have a range of up to 6,000 km, putting Alaska within its reach. Wednesday's launch apparently failed shortly after take-off and the missile landed in the sea between the Korean peninsula and Japan, a few hundred kilometres from the launch pad.
Anyone remember what happened to the last country that attacked Hawaii?

I think it started with the wholesale destruction of their military forces and ended with atomic bombs.
Altron said:
I think it started with the wholesale destruction of their military forces and ended with atomic bombs.

A million man army, backed by a starving populace, using pre-Clinton weapons was no threat.

A million man army, backed by a starving populace, using post-Clinton weapons may be a threat.

Strike it on the pad.
or simply leave the korean peninsula.

we spend billions of dollars every year.

ingrates in S korea don't want us there. fuck 'em.

act like we don't care, either.

let ding dong N korean leader direct anger somewhere else.

save money. spend that money on missile defense and antiterrorist intelligence stuffs.

more satisfying by the mouthful.

crunch crunch yum yum.
let ding dong N korean leader direct anger somewhere else.

If mentaly Ill Kim continues with his tests slam into his capital building with enough fire power to leave a crater so deep it would take an elevator to make it to the bottom...
Yeah, and if we leave, we won't get hit by the fallout.

Probably scare the hell out of Kim Jill Sang or whatever the fuck his name is, since we would obviously withdraw our troops from the area before commencing the bombardment.
Can't & shouldn't leave S Korea. We have an agreement to protect them & we stick by our word.

I like the fact that Kim Jung Il has said that any sanctions against N Korea would be considered an act of war. Ugh, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the world already ignoring NK? For that matter, aren't we already at war with NK??? Have been for 50 years.
Yeah, I think the 38th parallel or whatever it is for Korea is just a cease-fire agreement.
heh shoulda dun the job right the first time dammit

leaving south Korea would Rock!

let the Japs protect 'em???? ha ha ha
we have what, maybe 20-30k troops there? what diffrence is that going to make anyway, except to agitate nutball kim-il dong? oh, and cost us a lot of money. south korean army is plenty big and capable.

for that matter, how many fuckers we got in japan? that sure can't be cheap. let japanese fund their own defense. they got the means.
Hawaii is going to have to fend for itself the us military budget and troops are to be spent on middle eastern non-threats, not finding bin laden, and keeping mexicans from trying to work.
2minkey said:
we have what, maybe 20-30k troops there? what diffrence is that going to make anyway, except to agitate nutball kim-il dong? oh, and cost us a lot of money. south korean army is plenty big and capable.
We've made long term plans (we're still at war with lil Kim)

2minkey said:
for that matter, how many fuckers we got in japan? that sure can't be cheap. let japanese fund their own defense. they got the means.
highwayman said:
Japan can defend them selves but by treaty cannot take the offensive,,,

Again, we made a deal (Japs are some fighting motherfuckers)
Actually, the Japanese aren't (or at least weren't) allowed to defend themselves.
Gonz said:
They're allowed a defensive army only. What the hell ever that means.

That means don't fuck with them and they won't fuck with you.
If you fuck with them, their big brother America, comes along for the ride-automatically.
Yeah, that's why we don't need to overspend in the army ;)
As assholish as it may sound, I'm truly thankful to you guys for that.

But then again, nobody wants to destroy us, we are seen as a friendly country with beatiful places and tequila.