N.Y. GOP candidate exposed as racist

Sound to me like he was opposed the forced integration busing of individuals to 'fix" some liberal race quota.

Looks like your not reading with any understanding.

“It has been demonstrated that finches raised by foster parents of a different species of finch will later exhibit a lifelong sexual attraction toward the alien species. One wonders how a child’s sexual imprinting mechanism is affected by forcible racial integration and near continual exposure to media stimuli promoting interracial contact. The most serious implication of human sexual imprinting for our genetic future is that it would establish the destructiveness of school integration, especially in the middle and high-school years."

He's afraid that if kids go to school with people of other races they might develop attraction towards those race and engage in "miscegenation".

He doesn't mention anything about working hard or not. You made that up as usual.
People lose their ethnic culture/heritage when they are mixed.

This from an American, living in a country that expects people to put aside their heritage the moment they immigrate. There should be no african-americans, or italian-americans, or indian-americans..only Americans.

People lose their ethnic culture/heritage when they move away from home...especially into a new country..but only the amount that they are willing to lose/forget about. T

I suppose that you would prefer to create ethnic neighbourhoods, so people of differing ethnicities shouldn't have to interact socially, or at work, or in schools.

Keep the races pure. Keep on fighting the good fight.
affected by forcible racial integration
I don't see anything about natural interaction of hard working people who earned the right to attend better schools in better neighborhoods.. He seems to be opposed to forced integration, in fact it say so right there.

butt wet yourself all you like buddy.

its hardly anything compared to the racist attitudes from your side, where race is tool for division to get votes.
I don't see anything about natural interaction of hard working people who earned the right to attend better schools in better neighborhoods.. He seems to be opposed to forced integration, in fact it say so right there.

Keep spinning RM.
appropriate ethnic boundaries for socialization and for marriage

He's pro-segregation along racial boundaries, even on a social scale.
Appropriate ethnic boundaries? -- personal boundaries? -- social norm boundaries? - the guy doesn't like forced integrations.

Like LaRaza and the NAACP aren't racist segregationist.

I'm certain that the fact he's Republican has more to do with issue than any other aspect of the situation.
There you go. He does not want to tolerate another race marrying his or attending his schools. Discrimination based on race. Glad we settled that.

Well, would you look at that! They snuck that in there. No, Discrimination in and of itself does not constitute racism. When the U.S. government discriminated and put Japanese in internment camps that was not racism.

Sure it does.

Yes! No! Yes! No!

Your turn.

I think you're confusing race with nationality. I'm pretty much one race. Ancestors had various nationalities though which has caused me to take an interest in each of them as opposed to one. Expanding my heritage.

The point is that your various heritages were not instilled into you. They all cannot be when you are mixed.

No, they can just as easily expand it.

Really it depends on the person though. You generalizations are silly.

It is common enough that the generalization is true.

Who cares anyway. People should be encouraged to marry the person they are in love with that makes them happy. Basing it on race is stupid.

Race can be a factor just like religion is. It may not be primary, but it can be a factor. I am not saying people should be forced not to marry outside of their race though, however, neither should there be any kind of forced integration.

Ask ResearchMonkey if he lost his culture and heritage when he married his wife.

People's children lose it, not the couple themselves.
This from an American, living in a country that expects people to put aside their heritage the moment they immigrate. There should be no african-americans, or italian-americans, or indian-americans..only Americans.

People lose their ethnic culture/heritage when they move away from home...especially into a new country..but only the amount that they are willing to lose/forget about. T

I suppose that you would prefer to create ethnic neighbourhoods, so people of differing ethnicities shouldn't have to interact socially, or at work, or in schools.

Keep the races pure. Keep on fighting the good fight.

Segregation should not be forced and neither should integration. America should be a tossed salad, not a melting pot.
did it all for the nookie

racist - you say it like its a bad thing
free country or not
the government’s attempt to make me
live waist deep in amongst 3rd world waste
will be thwarted at every turn

you can take that multiculturalism
and put it where the grass don't grow
N.Y. GOP candidate exposed as being right for the job

Right, so your comment really had nothing to do with racially segregated schools.

Louis Farrakhan wants segregated schools. He is also a separatist and has demanded that some states be turned over to an all Black citizenry.

Oh, but wait, he's a lefty and he's Black and he's a Muslim. He's alright because of those characteristics. Never mind.
Nice try changing the subject but we've covered this before. The racist Southern Democrats turned Republican over the passage of the civil rights bill.

"The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was widely opposed by white Southerners, was the event that finally moved the majority of Southerners to the Republican Party on a national level."


How do you forget this stuff?

And now...

White Supremacist Stormfronters -> Almost exclusively Republican or Tea Party
Bigots against gay rights -> Right wing thing mostly
Bigots who hate all Muslims -> Right wing thing mostly
Anyone on this board who has made an argument that women shouldn't have been given the right to vote -> Republicans
Winky -> Republican

So J. William Fulbright was a Republican?

Robert Byrd was a Republican?

Oh, yeah. That's right. They both changed their sheets -- er, I mean spots -- after they voted against the civil rights acts, and filibustered the civil rights acts, and both of them went to their graves as Republicans.

Now I remember that portion of history. Thanks for reminding me!
Nice try changing the subject but we've covered this before. The racist Southern Democrats turned Republican over the passage of the civil rights bill.

"The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was widely opposed by white Southerners, was the event that finally moved the majority of Southerners to the Republican Party on a national level."


How do you forget this stuff?

And now...

White Supremacist Stormfronters -> Almost exclusively Republican or Tea Party
Bigots against gay rights -> Right wing thing mostly
Bigots who hate all Muslims -> Right wing thing mostly
Anyone on this board who has made an argument that women shouldn't have been given the right to vote -> Republicans
Winky -> Republican

Hey, spike, did you know Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican?
Well, would you look at that! They snuck that in there. No, Discrimination in and of itself does not constitute racism.

Discrimination based on race is racism. Says so right in your own definition.

The point is that your various heritages were not instilled into you. They all cannot be when you are mixed.

Sure they can. My own heritage vs the various countries my ancestors came from comes from growing up in America as opposed to those countries.

It is common enough that the generalization is true.

Yes, it's very common for people to expand their culture.

Race can be a factor just like religion is. It may not be primary, but it can be a factor.

Sure, often people can be more attracted to people outside their race or find them more interesting.

People's children lose it, not the couple themselves.

People's children get the benefits of both cultures.
Louis Farrakhan wants segregated schools. He is also a separatist and has demanded that some states be turned over to an all Black citizenry.

Oh, but wait, he's a lefty and he's Black and he's a Muslim. He's alright because of those characteristics. Never mind.

Why would that make it alright?

So J. William Fulbright was a Republican?

Robert Byrd was a Republican?

Yeah, those two didn't change party most of the racist southern democrats did though.

That's why you find white supremacists now almost exclusively in the Republican or Tea Parties.
Why would that make it alright?

Yeah, those two didn't change party most of the racist southern democrats did though.

That's why you find white supremacists now almost exclusively in the Republican or Tea Parties.

And the Democrats run the plantation.

I guess you missed that video of all of those Black folks who are Tea Party members giving the NAACP a ration of shit for calling them racist. After all, they are actually Uncle Toms and House Negroes aren't they? So who are they to complain?
I guess you missed that video of all of those Black folks who are Tea Party members giving the NAACP a ration of shit for calling them racist. After all, they are actually Uncle Toms and House Negroes aren't they? So who are they to complain?

I'm not sure what your point is here or why you're calling them names. I didn't call all Tea Party members racist. Just because the vast majority of white supremacists are Republican or Tea party people doesn't mean all Republicans or Tea Party people are white supremacists.

So what was your point?