Nader joins the chase..

If you're going to divide the only viable opposition to Bush, YOU ARE THE EVIL. Hes the reason Bush got in in the first place. It wouldn't surprise me if the GOP is financing his bid just to divide the vote again. Wake up people!
damn. that stragety didnt occur to me. last year people told me i threw my vote away by voting for him
I certainly don't want Bush to win. Unfortunately, Nader appeals to a class of voter that has long felt disenfranchised by the two party system. I'm one of those voters, and voted for him last time. I don't think I'll vote for him again, but hate the fact that I'm forced to cast a negative vote (against Bush) rather than voting for the candidate of my choice. There isn't one single Democratic candidate for President that I've honestly felt strongly about since Jimmy Carter. That was the last time I voted and actually felt good about my choice. :mad4:
Thats understandable, Natalie. But I don't expect to find a candidate that fills my requirements to the letter. Otherwise, I'd be on the ticket myself. I felt fine about casting my votes for Clinton, though. And I don't feel he let me down. This race is a little tougher for me because you have political experience vs. real life experience. I'm trusting that the real life experience is the more valuable and backing Edwards. if, however, Kerry should beat him for the nomination, I won't be one throwing an independent vote in Edward's direction. There is too much at stake. I really don't know if this country could survive another 4 years of Bush.
Squiggy said:
But I don't expect to find a candidate that fills my requirements to the letter.

Neither do I. However, the Democrats have moved so far to the center they have abandoned those voters who are looking for a viable liberal candidate. "Liberal" has become a dirty word and in their search for political office the Dems have become poorly disguised conservatives in my opinion. I can't tell you how many colleagues, friends and acquaintances I have that stopped voting YEARS ago. :(

What percentage of registered voters actually turn out for elections? And how many citizens aren't even registered? The two party system is a fucking disaster, and until more people feel like there's an actual CHOICE, we'll have little to no change in this country.

Here are some numbers that point to the apathy too many people feel:
All is well, all is well, all manner of things are well...Monica has spoken

Ms Lewinsky told ITV News: "I really just felt empathic for the girl, the young woman, and for her family and at the same time I was really outraged because I thought once again we have politics dipping into someone's personal life and whether it's true or not, it shouldn't matter. It should just be left alone."

Just a quick question - can someone declare a bid for the presidency this late in the race, I mean most of the the primaries have finished haven't they?
AlphaTroll said:
Just a quick question - can someone declare a bid for the presidency this late in the race, I mean most of the the primaries have finished haven't they?

Yes, I guess they can. As long as they can get their name on the ballot, they can declare up to a month before (I think)? He's Ralph Nader, "Consumer-Advocate-Man," and doesn't think that normal rules apply to self declared superheroes anyway. I don't think much of him, could you tell?
One has to have X-number of signatures, per state, to qualify for the ballot, in each state. The deadline is 30-60 days, depending on the jurisdiction.

One thing the superhero has going for him, he's not telling you why to not vote for the other guy. He actually gives you reason(s) to vote for him (or die laughing)