Nader helps GWB
PowerballWinner said:
No, a vote for Nader is not a vote for GWB. A vote for Nader is not counted for GWB. A vote for Nader is counted for Nader.
Perhaps, but then again as a ratio
would you disagree that a person that would vote for Nader
would have certainly voted for Kerry rather than GWB?
A cursory glance at the popular vote in the elections that Perot played the role of spoiler will show that the Republican candidate was hurt more than the Democrat candidate.
I applaud Nader's involvement in the election.
Most people will agree that both Nader and Perot are
fringe candidates Perot pulled from mainly the right-wing voters and I have to believe Nader will attract the fringeoid
voters mainly from the Left wing side.
Either way Naders involvement will not make a large difference in the outcome. So voting for Nader if it doesn’t
help GWB will have the effect of negating your vote altogether.
If the election is to be mainly decided by the swing voters
then events that take place between now and November
will have a great effect on the outcome, not Nader's meaningless campaign.
If one studies what Nader stands for one would either laugh his ass or be shocked at the idiocy of his positions. (unless you happen to be ultra-left wing)
either way vote Nader and waste your vote since it is inconceivable to me a Bush voter would back the following ideas.
Naders site listing his stance on the issues
Supports the Now Gang
Universal health care i.e. socialized medicine
Crack down on corporations
Yup have the govt. destroy the thing that provides you with a job
(unless of course your already rich because you won the powerball!)
Tax the Rich Ha ha the Rich can afford not to pay Taxes they pay Tax lawyers
End poverty Yea right er I mean Left
Homosexual Rights! yup he will really capture the Bush voters with that one.
So you see go on vote Nader because Kerry doesn’t capture your zeal for socialism
but don’t think for one femtosecond any Bush voters will be punchin’ a chad for Nader.