Nader joins the chase..

Nader helps GWB

PowerballWinner said:
No, a vote for Nader is not a vote for GWB. A vote for Nader is not counted for GWB. A vote for Nader is counted for Nader.
Perhaps, but then again as a ratio
would you disagree that a person that would vote for Nader
would have certainly voted for Kerry rather than GWB?

A cursory glance at the popular vote in the elections that Perot played the role of spoiler will show that the Republican candidate was hurt more than the Democrat candidate.

I applaud Nader's involvement in the election.
Most people will agree that both Nader and Perot are
fringe candidates Perot pulled from mainly the right-wing voters and I have to believe Nader will attract the fringeoid
voters mainly from the Left wing side.

Either way Naders involvement will not make a large difference in the outcome. So voting for Nader if it doesn’t
help GWB will have the effect of negating your vote altogether.

If the election is to be mainly decided by the swing voters
then events that take place between now and November
will have a great effect on the outcome, not Nader's meaningless campaign.

If one studies what Nader stands for one would either laugh his ass or be shocked at the idiocy of his positions. (unless you happen to be ultra-left wing)
either way vote Nader and waste your vote since it is inconceivable to me a Bush voter would back the following ideas.
Naders site listing his stance on the issues

Supports the Now Gang

Universal health care i.e. socialized medicine

Crack down on corporations

Yup have the govt. destroy the thing that provides you with a job
(unless of course your already rich because you won the powerball!)

Tax the Rich Ha ha the Rich can afford not to pay Taxes they pay Tax lawyers

End poverty Yea right er I mean Left

Homosexual Rights! yup he will really capture the Bush voters with that one.

So you see go on vote Nader because Kerry doesn’t capture your zeal for socialism
but don’t think for one femtosecond any Bush voters will be punchin’ a chad for Nader.
I can't say Nader would pull votes from Kerry. I don't know what all the voters are thinking. As for exit polls that ask voters if they'd vote for Bush or Kerry had Nader not been in the race, it's possible they might only answer Bush or Kerry in hopes that Bush & Kerry will become more like Nader. Actually, many Bush voters who want an end to corporate welfare, the PATRIOT Act, and the Iraq War will surely vote Nader. Bush voters who want a living wage, a clean environment, fair trade, a federal budget that puts human needs before corporate greed and corporate militarism, a fair tax code where the wealthy pay their fair share will vote Nader. Homosexuality is not going to be a primary issue. Only a fool would sacrifice a Nader vote on those other issues for a Bush vote to get homosexual marriage outlawed.
Research Naders history! He is a Liberal!

Why do you attribute a list of Democrat talking points to
voters who favor President Bush?
Will your response be:
A. The issues I sited are uppermost in the minds of supporters of President Bush or

B. The issues I cited are indeed not Democrat talking points!
I simply do not know how to reffer to these issues without using Democrat 'codewords' I can not frame any discussion without placing a heavy Liberal slant on it.

C. All of the above!
Re: Research Naders history! He is a Liberal!

Winky said:
Why do you attribute a list of Democrat talking points to
voters who favor President Bush?
Will your response be:
A. The issues I sited are uppermost in the minds of supporters of President Bush or

B. The issues I cited are indeed not Democrat talking points!
I simply do not know how to reffer to these issues without using Democrat 'codewords' I can not frame any discussion without placing a heavy Liberal slant on it.

C. All of the above!

Winky could you rephrase the original question.
I'm not quite understanding it :retard: , but it kinda looks
like it could sparkle some stimulating conversation.....
Chances are you can vote for Nader without a problem and not worry about it. Only a hand full of states are likely to be close enough where it might make any kind of difference.Think a lot of New Yorkers are worried about Kerry losing the state?
...or Californians. Arnold is pretty popular here, but not popular enough for it to rub off on Bush in the two big population centers.