Nail Biting

I bite my nails, and so does my brother. He's worse though, and has bitten himself into some really nasty infections. Those things have a terrible stench to them, too.
Never used to bite my nails-but guess going thru seperation/divorse can make a person do some strange things- miss my nails. Keep them painted and most of all-If you can afford to-start getting manicures regularly it really works, plus makes you feels good at the same time.
A coupla months ago I worked at a stables..........soon stopped biting my nails after that :sick3:
i'm not a nail-biter, i am a nail-picker. i find a tear or whatever and start picking away at it. there is no way you know sometimes when you halfway break a nail and you just paint over it? can't do it...i will pick at it obsessively until its gone. no rough edges, always sanding them on my jeans, its weird too because i don't have nice long nails- well, how could i? i don't even paint them......hmmm....
steweygrrrr said:
Put strengthener or something that tastes nasty on them. The taste will put you off. Worked for me

I used to bite my nails. Still do, on occasion. The best way to stop, is to think about why you're doing it in the first place. Strengthener and other nasty-tasting substances work...but only if you don't figure out that vinegar takes them off. What works for me I mentioned. It used to be cinstant self-correction, but, now, I only do it when I'm extremely bored, or extremely nervous. 99 times out of 100 I stop myself. The other time, I just bite 'em and let them grow back.
steweygrrrr said:
I just caught myself doing it again. No wonder they splinter when I cut them.

You MUST have a very good job where you can post on OTC all day-please fill me in where and how i can get a job like that????
First emigrate to England. Then get a job for O2 Online answering emails. Then complain bitterly about being an agency worker
well the foul tasting stuff dont work for me coz i like the taste of it.
(just when you were thinking that I couldn't get any wierder)
ive tried everything but nothing works at all. mind you i am under extreme stress at the moment which doesn't really help matters
I used to bite my nails to the point where my finger ends were really sore. I stopped though... wanna know how? Clear nail varnish, add salt, pepper, a few drops of vinegar and a lil bit of mustard powder. Paint it on and be prepared to puke. It worked for me...

Ali (reformed nail biter) :D
AliBop said:
I used to bite my nails to the point where my finger ends were really sore. I stopped though... wanna know how? Clear nail varnish, add salt, pepper, a few drops of vinegar and a lil bit of mustard powder. Paint it on and be prepared to puke. It worked for me...

Ali (reformed nail biter) :D

I dont have a lot of feeling in my hands though so I like to have the odd bit of pain thrown in there.
steweygrrrr said:
Stewegrrrr. Male. Not wearing nail varnish. ever.

Riiiiiiiight - you only wear nail strengthener right ;)

Me? I've never been a nail biter, have been trying to get my friend to stop, so every time I see her chomp down I slap her hand (usually when the hand is still in close proximity to the mouth - double whammy)
AlphaTroll said:
Riiiiiiiight - you only wear nail strengthener right ;)

Me? I've never been a nail biter, have been trying to get my friend to stop, so every time I see her chomp down I slap her hand (usually when the hand is still in close proximity to the mouth - double whammy)

So I need someone to follow me round and slap my hands then.

Anyone seen my mate?
while my lil brothers went out rocking last nmite with black nail varnish on. Very funky. but not for me
whats wrong with the black nail varnish then?

i used to do black and red or black and white before i started biting again. now i doint bother coz it makes my nails look even smaller