nanotech breakthrough

Amazing what a university can do when they're not spending their time protesting, on strike, or high on pot.
This was just an extension of an ongoing research about a year old about capacitors. These small batteries that can be charged almost instantly are in fact capacitors.
ROFL. Sounds just like me. I can't buy anything for myself unless it is cleared first when it is this close to Xmas.
I'm not that limited. MrsBish and I stick to the 'one gift' rule. I give her one, she gives me one and the rest goes to the kids. I still have to make 'the list' for extended family, 'cause they never know what to get me, and if I don't make a list, I get things like these_>


From my Mother-in-law, who saw them and figured that I'd get a kick out of them. They were interesting mostly because they roared with every step. It's a shame that she bought me size 10 (I wear 13's).

I traded them in for this: