National ID Card Included In Democratic Immigration Bill

We've been goin' down this path for 30 years
most of us know what lies at the end of the trail.

They’re still hoping WWIII can be fought without nukes...
So a biometric national ID, the leftist wet-dream, is what you want? An ID that will be linked to all your health care, all your banking, travel, and eventually your computer use? In time the liberals will force you to use the Nat'l ID to do most anything, except to cast a vote.

No you have it wrong, conservatives are just dandy with state issued ID's for US citizens. We are also happy that foreign national must carry their papers with them at all times. Especially those pesky Canandians.
unh hun...keep dreaming sunshine.

Oddly enough, I have cards for most of those things, as do you. I also have cards for free coffees after every 5th bought, Air miles cards, Aeroplus cards, gas cards, divers license etc etc...a friggin wallet full of them.

What I don't have is an ID card...I have stuff that I can use to identify myself, I suppose. Drivers license and Medicare are the two biggies here. Medicare doesn't have address or number, biometrics's Name and Med#.
Drivers License has photo, address, DOB,'s pretty good, unless you don't drive.

What you guys seem to need, since you're all gung-ho about who's legal and who isn't is a Nation-wide ID card. Name, photo, address, DOB, ID#, and citizenship. Allow you to identify yourself when dealing with the cops, trying to get into a bar, if you get into an accident and as a ground-travel only border crossing identifier like a NEXUS but for within your own boundaries.
I also have cards for free coffees after every 5th bought
Ah, i knew it, you are cheap!
as do you.
Nope. I carry 3 cards: CDL, Emergency Responder ID and a Press ID, $200 in cash, and a cellphone in my camera backpack.

My CDL is biometric, you have to submit a thumb print to obtain one. What we need is for states to stop issuing common DL's or ID's to foreigners. I can see some form of visitor driving permit for legal guest in this country (like they do with underage people). IF you are illegal, you should not be able to obtain a legal ID from the states, the feds should handle legal foreigners. Deport the rest.

When in question, simple scanners in patrol cars could easily serve this purpose to weed out those illegally here.

See, an illegal alien is illegally here and should be sent home.
I also have cards for free coffees after every 5th bought, Air miles cards, Aeroplus cards, ...a friggin wallet full of them.

Foolish, but optional. I prefer not giving my info away like that so I opt out/just say no.

you're all gung-ho about who's legal and who isn't ...ID card with Name, photo, address, DOB, ID#, and citizenship.

You're right. That is all we're asking for. If you come to my country, I expect you to carry ID. I live here, so, nah, not so much.
What is so Democratic about slavery?

This shit is so fucked up
that it doesn’t even warrant attention.

Right is wrong
Black is white
and we decide what is an illusion?
This AZ drivers license which I've carried
on my person for 35 years is my get out of
the ICE deportation truck free card.
unh hun...keep dreaming sunshine.

Oddly enough, I have cards for most of those things, as do you. I also have cards for free coffees after every 5th bought, Air miles cards, Aeroplus cards, gas cards, divers license etc etc...a friggin wallet full of them.

What I don't have is an ID card...I have stuff that I can use to identify myself, I suppose. Drivers license and Medicare are the two biggies here. Medicare doesn't have address or number, biometrics's Name and Med#.
Drivers License has photo, address, DOB,'s pretty good, unless you don't drive.

Oh, I see. You are a collector of privacy invasive cards. Now you want an ID to up your collection you have going on there.

I think you want to live in a world like this.
That video was hilarious... and that's Marketing as opposed to gvt intervention.
I'm in marketing, so I understand the limits on such cards and data mining techniques. Many legal boundaries. I also understand that it's faceless. Marketing groups are more interested in peer groups and buying patterns based on time of day, location, interrelated purchases, unrelated purchases etc..than they ever will be in you or me as an individual.

They don't care that John Smith bought a pizza. They want to know if personX bought garlic bread with that pizza..and how many like you bought garlic bread vs. how many bought chicken wings vs. how many bought both vs. how many bought the wings but with a sub instead vs. sub plus garlic bread etc etc...
Mostly so they can aim advertising more effectively and organize shelf-space (in the case of stores) to sell more goods.

All of these cards are FAR less invasive than credit cards for instance. I'm assuming that you're a cash-only kinda person. Guess what.. you're part of a peer-group in marketing terms. Slightly less tracked than most other groups...slightly.