I guess you fail again there Bishy. It's a state thing for citizen whereas for foreign nationals on US soil it's a federal issue.
I'm not surprised you like the national ID thingy, its is a liberal thing.
Ah, i knew it, you are cheap!I also have cards for free coffees after every 5th bought
Nope. I carry 3 cards: CDL, Emergency Responder ID and a Press ID, $200 in cash, and a cellphone in my camera backpack.as do you.
I also have cards for free coffees after every 5th bought, Air miles cards, Aeroplus cards, ...a friggin wallet full of them.
you're all gung-ho about who's legal and who isn't ...ID card with Name, photo, address, DOB, ID#, and citizenship.
Wow, ritzy life style there buddy for someone who is UnEmPlOyedu also have cards for free coffees after every 5th bought, Air miles cards, Aeroplus cards, gas cards,
Wow, ritzy life style there buddy for someone who is UnEmPlOyed
I wan't some Obama money!
Yeah, but do you live there legally? Prove it!I live here, so, nah, not so much.
unh hun...keep dreaming sunshine.
Oddly enough, I have cards for most of those things, as do you. I also have cards for free coffees after every 5th bought, Air miles cards, Aeroplus cards, gas cards, divers license etc etc...a friggin wallet full of them.
What I don't have is an ID card...I have stuff that I can use to identify myself, I suppose. Drivers license and Medicare are the two biggies here. Medicare doesn't have address or number, biometrics etc..it's Name and Med#.
Drivers License has photo, address, DOB, Lic#..it's pretty good, unless you don't drive.